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the one negative is ive have now got a little corrosion where the braid sits on the spool under a 200mtre top shot,,stays wet or something ,its exactly the level of the braid on the spool

its a tiagra by the way

that and you get nervous as the join goes into the drink on a fish

Edited by mr magoo
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I stop the corosion on the reels by applying a liberal amount of vaseline or petrolium jelly on the spool and sides before spooling the reel.

This seems to stop the salt eating the reel. My 50w tiagras are 18 years old and the spools are as good as new. Maybe try a heavier grease like trailer or marine grease or lanolin to work as a barier.

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I stop the corosion on the reels by applying a liberal amount of vaseline or petrolium jelly on the spool and sides before spooling the reel.

This seems to stop the salt eating the reel. My 50w tiagras are 18 years old and the spools are as good as new. Maybe try a heavier grease like trailer or marine grease or lanolin to work as a barier.

every other tiagras is in perfect condition,its only the one spooled with braid that i have an issue with ,do you run mono or braid on your 50w,s

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