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Stolen fishing gear


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Hi all,

I got 'mongreled' last night after getting home from fishing at 11pm. A bunch of gear was stolen from inside my car in Pimpama, QLD. I know most of our members aren't up this way but please at least be on the lookout for any of the following going cheap:

Samaki Zecton 701SH spin rod

TD Daiwa Cielo 701H baitcast rod

Shimano T-Curve 6'3" 5-10kg baitcast rod

Lox 7225 spin rod

Shimano Curado 200E5 reel

ABU Soron STX20 reel

ABU REVO Inshore reel

Shimano Fireblood 4000FA reel

Plano Guide Series tackle box full of Barra lures & flies, Bass lures, Barra plastics and hooks.

Black Bart braid scissors

various leader spools and odds and ends

Rayban (prescription so good luck to them) sunnies

Shimano polarised sunnies

I still haven't gone through the car and boat to see what else might be missing... just waiting for the police to do their thing.

All in all a very expensive loss and not the best way to end an already average trip.

Cheers, Slinky

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That sucks Tony,

I hope they get the bastards.

I had my garage broken into on the 17th Sept and the dopes left a nice fingerprint on a sunglass case and bugger me if they didnt get a match :yahoo: as monopoly says "GO DIRECTLY TO JAIL AND DO NOT PASS GO " :074:

Regards Stewy

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Thats a ton of fishing gear to leave in the car, mate I get scared to leave anything in the car these days. I have a homeless guy near my girlfriends house that looks into cars and if the window is slightly open, helps himself inside and takes things... I saw him with an ipod the other day.

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Un~bloody~believable .... I hope the police catch 'em before you do, Tony. I hope your gear resurfaces mate. There is some quality stuff amongst that lot. :(

I have a couple of spare reels etc I can send up to you if you're stuck, mate



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Hi Tony, sorry to hear about that....

That Fireblood should stick out like a sore thumb, there were not that many of em around.

Hope you get it all back buddy and you get to use the scumbag for berley!

Feel a bit the same, my work van got busted into in may and I lost my tool kit. $15K and still counting.

Like losing one of your hands!

Best of luck and keep looking.



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Just a quick update.

The gear is gooooooone :ranting2: Police forensics had no luck finding any fingerprints. Oh well, live an learn.

A HUUUUUUUUGE note of thanks to the raiders who in various ways offered help and condolences. Thankfully, I have so much fishing tackle that it didn't stop me fishing in the short term

And a similarly HUUUUUUUUGE vote of thanks to Suncorp who were thorough, professional, empathetic and communicative through the whole thing. And who have just confirmed the settlement with no problems at all.

Hopefully my next post might involve actual fishing :1prop:

Cheers, Slinky

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