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First day back on yak for the new season

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Hey Raiders,

Day off, wife away for work, kids at school - what's a bloke to do but go fishing? Got the kayak down from the side of the house last night where it had been resting for past five months, respooled the reel with some new 6lb Fireline and sorted some SPs and blades. Lovely morning, headed down to Kogarah Bay and put the yak in. Was hoping to jag a couple of flatheads so started with one of my favourite blades for the lizards - a 1/4 oz Switchblade in mango ripple. Got a nice hit after about 10 minutes but was pulling way too strong for flattie and bought in a nice trevally (weight for age I reckon they give a great account of themselves on light gear). After a nice struggle I sent it on its way. Went quiet for the next 15 minutes so changed to my go-to blade, the Ecogear ZX40 in gold. Was using two retrieves - flick/pause/flick and the long draw - and after a draw right near the top of the water the blade got smashed by a bream which exploded out of the water, brilliant. Bought it in and it went in the bag. Finally got a flattie, just legal but looking a bit skinny, so sent him back. Got a couple more bream that went back in before a nice solid 'thunk' of flathead that went 42cm and into the bag, too. While I was sorting the flathead had the rod in rodholder with lure just dangling about 50cm under water, all of a sudden the rod bent, a small bream had hit the blade while it was stationary. Got another undersize flattie and then a small chopper tailor while trolling the blade on the way back to shore. Great way to spend a few hours off - expecting my shoulders to be nice and stiff tomorrow after five months without a paddle!

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Started on the eastern side, there was a nor easter blowing and tide was going out so drifted across and then paddled back and drifted in a zig zag pattern all the way down to the boat club on the eastern side. Apart from the trevally, most were caught on the middle/western side.


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