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Botany Friday Arvo again


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Out again today from 1.30pm - 4.30pm on Botany Bay doing my usual Friday Arvo plastics session over near the Kurnell Groynes,it was overcast a nice 10-15knt wind it was just perfect conditions for throwing my Gulps over the weed beds .It was only my 2nd cast and i was on , a nice 38cm specimen to start proceedings then over the next 3hrs drifting over the same 200mtr patch i managed to nearly bag out on Trevally ( 18 ) with my best one going 41cm + a nice little 34cm bream which i released back at the ramp much to the Bream's surprise :1yikes: .The Trevally are definately coming back a strong as ever over the past 4 weeks or so that i have been out and the tides don't seem to be making that much of a difference.Again i am going to defend the good ol Trevally and i'm sure they get cheesed off that they fetch only $10 kilo but they taste great freshly filleted and fried or baked with some lemon , salt n pepper :thumbup: I am finding it very hard to go searching for a different fish to catch because these things are just so much fun to catch on light gear and will out do a Bream any day.4 families in Seven hills will be feasting on Trevally tomorrow :1fishing1: .Yes Jimmy i did keep one for you for bait :tease:

Rgds Mark :1fishing1:

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Good work mate how good are friday arvos on the bay :biggrin2:

I was out there too but more towards towra and pretty much did the same as you but also landed a nice 36cm whiting but no bream :(

Are there many pike near the goynes atm? im getting 10 every session :ranting2:



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Good work mate how good are friday arvos on the bay :biggrin2:

I was out there too but more towards towra and pretty much did the same as you but also landed a nice 36cm whiting but no bream :(

Are there many pike near the goynes atm? im getting 10 every session :ranting2:



not the past few weeks , got a small one a little while ago the stinkin things they are droppin their dodgey scales everywhere in my boat

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