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Spinning off the rocks


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Hey Raiders!

I recently bought a new Shimano Starlo Classix shorespin rod with a Shimano Stradic 5000fi and i've loaded one spool up with 20lb braid and the other with 15lb. i will be chasing bonito, salmon, tailor and possibly some rat kings. I'm not quite sure what leader to use and if you could please tell me what brand and the strength to use it would be great :thumbup:

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It all depends on your clearance when washing the fish up to land it - in some spots when the ledge slopes gradually in you can get away with 15lb mono. I mostly use 25lb Schneider hard mono as trace and that handles bonito, tailor, salmon and kings to around 80cm, but as suggested if your likely to get onto any solid fish or you have any submersed drop-offs/lifting to do then around 40 - 60 pound fluoro is your best bet.



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what's a good knot for tying on leaders? I basically twist each end about 5 times and have the loose ends go back thru the middle in opposite directions then draw together.

I think your referring to a double Uni. I use this knot also, but if your using heavier leader it ends up being not as thin. I then use a slim beauty which passes through the guides quite well.

50LB leader should be ok, near the rocks I think leader length is quite important too. Think about where your pulling the fish up from and what is around there (rocks barnacles etc)

hope this helps

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If you're spinning for salmon and tailor then 20-30lb should be more than enough. Go heavier for kings, about 40-60 lb, maybe even heavier if necessary...

With the lighter lines the double uni is fine but I personally prefer the Albright knot for all my leader weights. It's stronger, quick to tie and has about as low a profile as you'll get which makes casting easier, not to mention less abrasion on the knot every time you cast.

One other point, make sure you get a good quality leader line. Cheap stuff has less abrasion resistance and if you go the cheap stuff and it breaks on a big fish you'll be cursing all the way home!

Edited by abecedarian
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Thanks for the reply guys!

Considering your replies, i have 40lb black magic flurocarbon leader and i asusme that this would be a good propositon for spinning but if you have any other leader brands that you reccomend that would be great as i have not experimented with many others.

Thanks :biggrin2:

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With all due respect guys, I think you are making it far too complicated. I started my fishing at Avoca in the 70's and the number of kingfish (my PB 33lb) and yellowfin, northen bluefin that we caught, all on 18 or 20lb mono. We didn't have anything better in those days but I know that lighter line catches more fish or drifts the bait better if live baiting. I would not recommend braid off the rocks, stick with good mono. Keep it simple, it worked 40 years ago and still applies today.

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With all due respect guys, I think you are making it far too complicated. I started my fishing at Avoca in the 70's and the number of kingfish (my PB 33lb) and yellowfin, northen bluefin that we caught, all on 18 or 20lb mono. We didn't have anything better in those days but I know that lighter line catches more fish or drifts the bait better if live baiting. I would not recommend braid off the rocks, stick with good mono. Keep it simple, it worked 40 years ago and still applies today.

True, but his reel will handle braid better than mono as it's designed for it. Mono will twist up and cause dramas. Keep up old man!

Mono is horrible stuff for spinning, especially with eggbeaters. The technology is, use it to your advantage. Too many old boys are too set in their ways and don't even try new techniques/gear.

You're better off getting GOOD braid and looking after it, it will last longed than mono and will get a better cast. I used 15lb Iron braid and 30lb FC Rock (by sunline) Fluro. Only about 2-3ft, joined with an FG. DON'T use and albright with fluro, it will pull through. And a double uni wll slap against the guides too much.

Edited by LBG.
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I exclusively use an Albright knot now, with fluro of all weights and I've never had it pull through. If it pulls though all the time it's not being tied correctly...

As for the mono vs braid for spinning, I agree that braid is miles ahead. Not so much for the twisting problem with mono, I dint have that issue, but mainly due to it's low stretch and it's fine diameter. The low stretch allows you to keep a better feel for the lure action and really feel the fine takes (not so much a problem with pelagics, they hit hard!). And the fine diameter, well it's obvious that it's an advantage...

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