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  1. I just want to know whether the fish have been told to stay on their side of the bridge? Jim
  2. warm water currents bringing fish further south this summer
  3. in my younger days circa early1980's caught snapper from that very spot in photo as well as witnessed snapper up to 6kg on salted tuna and kingies up to 15kg on live yellowtail. Those days with a decent 4WD you could drive most of the way in. Use to stay at the Currarong Caravan Park and fished there in our fishing club events as well as ANSA Tournaments. Go Mascot Anglers... Jim
  4. JimT

    5 & a Powerball.

    managed 4 + P/ball $75.00
  5. TV news had video of him with the groper. Evidence is not a problem. Whether authorities follow up is !!!
  6. you would think the photos taken would be sufficient evidence??
  7. along the beach near lake outlet would have to be worth a go as well Jim
  8. huge rain event of the NSW coast at the moment 10/11/23 sitting right on top of this warm water eddy Jim
  9. I recall that in the past when we had prolonged warm water off NSW coast during summer/autumn we also had more severe weather events like "east coast lows" Jim
  10. Have caught surgeons off the rocks around Little Bay using the brown moss like weed which is usually scrapped in with our cleats when fishing for Luderick. Jim
  11. A lot to be said by having a look out of the window- in all directions ( as well as a glance upwards just in case) Jim
  12. use to get heaps around the Cooks River turning over rocks around the low tide waterline Jim
  13. use to catch heaps in the Cooks River near the breakwall on wriggler worms around Aug/Sept spawning time.
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