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another doughnut day from the rocks


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G'day all

Headed out with a mate early this morning, eager with anticipation. Got to the north side of the spit bridge at about 6:15am armed with fresh squid and pillies.

The current was running strong and guys packed into boats were aplenty. We thought this was a good sign.

I sent out a whole squid and was using soft plastics on the 2nd rod, while my mate had a pillie with some jewelry under a float and a lure as well.

we worked the north side of the channel for 2 hours without a touch. There was a bloke in a tinny who managed to boat a very very nice sized kingy only 20m from where my squid was, and that was about all the action there till we decided to pack up and head elsewhere.

we decided on north head, and got down to the ledge to find 4 guys who had been there since 4am.

They had live yakkas and squid out and hadnt caught anything, so we decided to change tackt and go for some blackfish. Mixed some berly and rigged up with cabbage and stringy weed. Kept at it till around 11am with nothing. The guys decided to call it so we had the place to ourselves.

A pod of dolphins came past, a few boats and kayaks came in close, but at around 2pm we called it quits with an empty bag again.

Thats 0 from 3 now. Still havent caught my 1st blackfish. do they even exist !

ahh well theres always next weekend!

Edited by bennoz
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Guest hawkesbass

Stick with it chasing the blackfish sometimes even the best luderick fishos go home empty handed sometimes,once you land your first one the rest will become easier

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