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saturday night on the harbour


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Gday raiders, Ive been a bit quiet over winter but I got a phone call from my mate joe on saturday afternoon and after being granted a leave pass from the love of my life, we headed to the harbour for a crack at some jew with great anticipation. We arrived at the ramp and it was alive with boats, prompting joe to make a comment of - boats are like rissoles everyones got one (or something that sounded like that).

We arrived at our spot arround 6.30 and just on dark I got our first bite. It bit more like a bream than a jew but as I was winding it in I felt a few shakes thinking I had hooked a small soapy but was pleasently surprised to see a 38cm snapper hit the surface! I then proceeded to give joe a bad case of diahrea by pulling in a 60cm jew a flathead around 50cm and a good bream 35cm! Not to be outdone joe finally got in on the action with a nice 73cm jew! after that the action slowed down but we left for home very happy with our catch and our first jew of the new season.


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Edited by tide'n'knots
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well done Pete, you done it again.

How you been.

gday basil,Ive been going good but as I said Ive been a little quiet lately over winter , but the wheather is warming up now and so is the fishing - I love it when its jew time!


Edited by tide'n'knots
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Nice One Pete,

I had a go on friday night also but the wind got up real bad so we packed it in, but good to see you guys got amoungst them, looks like a great season ahead,

also that snapper not a bad size at all well done guys,



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