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Jighead hooks


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Hi raiders,

I have a question in mind, does the size of the hook protruding from my soft plastic matter much? Will a fish go for a lure with less hook coming out or does it not matter?


Hook size can effect the action of the lure and normally with a larger gape the hook will be longer too

I normally use number 1 or 2 hook with anything up to 4 inch plastics. people talk alot about "short strikes" but i have found normally smaller fish will do that



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Oh I see, that is good that most of my jig heads are size 1, 2 and 1/0 hooks.

I am also having a bit of trouble with picking the right weight, it confuses me to say the least. I fish in waters of about 1-1.5m of water, so pretty shallow, and what would be the recommended weight jig head be for calm conditions in those waters?

And how do you know when to change the size, when the winds picks up or the water level drops?


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