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Is there a trick to cleaning out live wells?


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My live well pump is going, I can hear it running, but no water is coming through....is there a trick to flushing them out correctly? There has been a bit of sand in the well i guess from the fish regurgitating...I've been hosing out the inside after easch use...so i reckon i might have a build up or blockage somewhere?

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Do I understand the pump is inside the tank ?? Have you removed the pump from the base to check the impeller is not slipping on the shaft ??

If you remove the hose from the pump then turn on the pump is it pumping water , if so that would suggest there is a blockage in the hose


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If you can do it easily try reversing the polarity on the pump and flushing it backwards. This may help clear any blockage in the impeller pickup.

As far as regular cleaning goes, if there's a lot of muck in the tank (scales, sand, etc) I use one of those aquarium cleaning tubes to siphon off the water and suck up the rubbish on the bottom. You could just use a large diameter hose to do the same thing.

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maybe fill us in a bit more on your livewell set up

most of the ones i have used or had much to deal with have the pump under floor with a hose and sprayer in the livewell

with the sprayer they normaly have a tap on them so is it possable it has been turned off so no water is getting thru (if done the pump will still run just no water will come in)

also have you tryed to squrit a hose up the pick up to disloge any blockage or even from the well side doing it backwards

all guesses but as i don't know how your livewell is set up

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The best way to empty your tank of the crap at bottom is a wet and dry vac. If your boat has carpet the vac is also good for removing water before putting boat away. Good for getting the water at the bottom of the boat to....


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