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hey everyone

ive tryed useing plastics but havent cought anything as of yet but withought the use of a boat i finde it hard to get to the places ide prefore to fish. i was just wondering what ppls opinions are on plastics, whether the do or dont work, or even if they have given up on useing bate alltogether.



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hey everyone

ive tryed useing plastics but havent cought anything as of yet but withought the use of a boat i finde it hard to get to the places ide prefore to fish.  i was just wondering what ppls opinions are on plastics, whether the do or dont work, or even if they have given up on useing bate alltogether.




Hey Choco,

Firstly I have to say I think youve just won the award for the most spelling mistakes in a post! :1prop::1naughty:

Keep persisting on the plastics. I found it took me ages to start catching fish but when I did I never looked back and it now comes a lot easier.

I think everyone has the same story to tell and practice certainly pays off with lure fishing. Keep trying !

One tip would be to start targeting Flathead first. They are the easiest to catch on plastics and will get your confidence and skill up. Just hit some flats with almost anything and you should do ok. Flatties arent that fussy. Chasing Bream can be frustrating for a newbie as they can be quite elusive at times.


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Hey Choco,

Firstly I have to say I think youve just won the award for the most spelling mistakes in a post! :1prop:  :1naughty:

Keep persisting on the plastics. I found it took me ages to start catching fish but when I did I never looked back and it now comes a lot easier.

I think everyone has the same story to tell and practice certainly pays off with lure fishing. Keep trying !

One tip would be to start targeting Flathead first. They are the easiest to catch on plastics and will get your confidence and skill up. Just hit some flats with almost anything and you should do ok. Flatties arent that fussy. Chasing Bream can be frustrating for a newbie as they can be quite elusive at times.



hahah yeah i was never good at english hahah. thatnx for the advise fellas i will keep trying, might have to go out on a boat and get more mobile. cheers

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HI Choco

I started fishing, lure only, four years ago. Predominately soft plastics. These last four years have been my most productive both in size and quantity for most species. Come to think of it's closer to five years and I haven't touched a :banned2: bait

Oh, ;) and my keyboard can't spell fa' sheet either :1naughty: . Try this site

for a small spell correcting download.

Cheers Bill

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I have been fishing plastics for quite while now and I still don't own a boat (yet :1prop: ) It is harder to fish areas from the shore but with practice and patients the fish will come. I don't fish from shore very often anymore, maybe the last time was a few months ago.

Just get out there to some of the better spots and vary your lures and technique, I'm sure you'll get the hang of it.

Good luck and I hope to hear some good reports soon


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