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Soft Plastics


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Need some help on soft plastics.

I have the DVDs on how to rig the Squiddies and was at Moruya fishing for Flathead in the river, I constantly got so much line twist that I put a small swivel about 1.2m from the soft plastic.

Has this done any damage to the way the soft plastic performs, and how do other people rig up.

The DVD does't mention anything about using swivels it just says to put the soft plastic on the line (I was using mono at the time, but have bought braided to use).

Thanks Norm

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Hi Norm

It is possible that your line twist problem may be more about memory in your monofilament line rather than the soft plastic you are using. You should not be using a swivel. Tie a 6 foot length of flourocarbon leader to your braid mainline and tie your jig head direct to your flourocarbon leader.

Tells us a little more about the rod, reel and breaking strain of the line you are using so we can better understand where your problems might be.


Blood Knot

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Thanks Blood knot,

I purchased a 8.6ft general purpose rod and a ABU Garcia FT4000 reel as I was going to be land based. The reel came with line I think about 5kg breaking strain the shop assistance did not know.

I normally fish from my boat a Caribeen Crest Cutter 18ft with a 115hp Johnson, in the Hawkesbury and Berowra Cr areas. The rig I use in the boat is a bait caster on a small ABU Garcia rod, I have had a look at this now and there is no line twist.

It must have been the new reel with a memory, I also have spinning reel with braid and have not had the problem. I will rig both of them with the fluorocarbon leader as you suggested.

Thanks for you speedy reply.


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The great thing about fishing is that there are so many options. If the specific outfit you are using is getting line twist when fishing for flathead with plastics - using a swivel is the most basic strategy to resolve this problem. The smallest black swivel is quite tiny and can be placed anywhere from the lure upwards to anywhere you are comfortable with having it for casting. It is unlikely that any flathead will be put off by the rigging even in gin clear water. If for some reason you are still getting line twits after using a proper sized swivel, then you will have to consider something else.

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