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Wildlife Man David Ireland TV rant

Catchin Jack

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Don't know if anyone watched this on channel 9 but this guy was carrying on about us fishermen and how irresponsible we are using stainless hooks and leaving these hooks in fish and that the fish will die as a result. He also stated that we should use hooks that corrode because of the damage us fishermen do to the fish stocks. Apparently he spends his time diving removing our hooks from so many fish and sharks etc etc.

I wonder what influence he has with the uneducated that change our fishing laws.

I do think commercial fishing and long lining etc damage fish stocks more than our minority of recreational fishermen, this guy really p*s**d me off listening to him carry on.

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Wow, he's really qualified to make judgements haha

Qualifications; Wildlife expert/Film Producer/Cameraman/Diving Instructor/multimedia producer/ script writer/film director

Mmm, what's make someone a "wildlife expert"?

He used to be a spearfisherman as well, also owned a dive shop once.

Now a claim to fame as "the original crocodile man".

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Yeah unfortunately it's these uneducated CLOWNS, (not the word I'm thinking in my head) who like to go on public rants because they can't survive unless they in the spotlight, are who the decision makers listen to...not the people who actually study the facts. I wonder whether he eats fish/other meat which arrive on his plate from unsustainable practices...

Cheers Leo

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I personally like the guy and have enjoyed his programs over the years.

I don't necessarily agree with his comments on fishing but, not every one is right all of the time...

As you mention, he possibly is not qualified to make such claims, but he is entitled to his opinion, as are you...

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G'day Charlie,

I enjoy his shows as well, but it's misguided comments on national television that makes our goal of keeping water ways open to the public so much harder. Especially since the tackle we loose does not compare to the commercial operators environmental impact of trawling and trapping. But as you said, he does have every right to say whatever's on his mind, no matter how hypocritical it is, thanks to free speech in this wonderful country...Even if it does make rec fishers out to be 'the devil'

Cheers Leo

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Do you really think that around 1 Million people who fish in NSW waters at least once a year have no impact on fish stocks?

There have to be impacts - even in situations that rarely encountered by an individual (e.g. an encounter with a protected species)

The real issue is about being aware of these potential impacts and then moving towards minimising the impacts.

Would like to get your views on this topic.


Black Bandit

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G'day black bandit

I agree whole heartedly with your comment. It would be nothing but ignorance to argue that we (recreational fisherman as a whole) do not have an impact on fish stocks. But the impact we have is minuet compared to compared to the commercial catches using methods such as long line fishing, trawling, netting and purse seine netting, which is not the operators faults, it is the decision makers that fail to protect our stocks adequately.

I just get infuriated that rec fishers are constantly targeted as 'the enemy' by green groups who for some reason remain very quiet about the rules that bind commercial operators. For example the recent increase in salmon netting. It baffles me.

The biggest problem is lack of education I believe. Just my opinion, just very different than Dave Ireland's

Cheers Leo

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Hi Leo,

Thanks for the reply.

I can understand your frustration when listening to extreme green arguments.

the problem, as I see it, is that any extreme point of view is dangerous whether it be religious, green, anti-fishing or pro-fishing.

The best solution lies somewhere in the middle and it is difficult to achieve this because persons promoting extreme views are highly motivated and dedicated to their cause.

Those of us occuppying the middle ground just want to get on with it and go fishing.

I can see no benefit in getting involved in the blame game - i.e. trying to say that comm fishing is the largest cause of damage and rec fishing has minimal damage.

The reality is that for some species - the rec take is by far greater than the comm take.

In NSW this is the case for species like dusky flathead, mulloway and bream.

In contrast, the comm fishery takes the vast majority of species like sea mullet, orange roughy and many more.

Having said all of that I believe habitat degradation is probably the largest cause of declines in our fish stocks - some of this degradation occurs directly as a result of fishing practices

(comm and rec), but most is related to urbanisation and the fact that so many people live along the coast.

Please consider these comments and let me know your point of view.


Black bandit

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