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Narrabeen Lake then to Roseville


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So the day started lazily by heading to a tackle shop on the northern beaches to pick up some odds and ends such as new swivels and a new bait jig for next weekend, bought a bag of pilchards and headed to narrabeen lake to try for some flathead. Worst pilchards I have ever purchased and barely stayed on the hook when casting, barely any nibbles and nothing but weed so we packed up and went to another tackle shop to get some fresh bait and head to the entrance of the lake.

Now armed with Prawns and Worms, managed to entice a few nibbles from what looked like some small bream in the water along with the sand mullet, but no bites, got bored of that and packed up and went to Roseville to get out of the stupid wind :mad3:

First cast at Roseville landed a baby snapper :thumbup: so I knew it would be a good arvo based on that. Fished for about 2-3 hours catching heaps of baby snapper and baby bream, good fun using the crappy pilchards for burley and fishing the peeled prawns. Still have worms on some long shank hooks from the lake so I ripped the worm off and put it on the circle hook I was using, not long after landed a Yakka :wacko: so I kept him because I always catch good fish using yakka strips.

Kept catching fish until I realised it was 7pm so decided to have 1 past cast as there had been something big pulling at my bait for the last 10 mins, anyway cast goes in and nib nib BANG rod bends over and drag goes a little, pull him in and its a nice 30cm Bream ! Nice and thick and biggest Bream Ive caught in here before, quite happy, quick photo and back in the water to keep growing bigger.

Still yet to catch anything in Narrabeen Lake and calling a hoax on the place yet again haha, but quite happy with the Bream and Roseville producing a good fish yet again :thumbup:

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Hi Dominic,

Good report you've compiled there, had fun reading it :thumbup:

I've pretty much given up on those servo pilchards and just use fresh bait, works like a charm :biggrin2:

Great bream you've got there too, nothing like landing something good on the last cast :yahoo:


Edited by Saf
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Believe it or not the servo pilchards I always get are amazingly good quality, the ones I got from the tackleshop tho look like the ones I had out on the boat last weekend and threw back in the freezer at the end of a days fishing, I would have expected to be the other way round to be honest

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Thought you would appreciate that one Mack ! I couldn't rouse any attention at the entrance, the tide was dropping but the current was still running in the wrong direction ie into the lake still so didn't get much luck, all good Roseville still produced for me at the end of the day !

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