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Lilli Pilli


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Fished the deep off Lilli Pilli early this morning, for 2 tailor to 43cm, and a just legal flounder that was sent back. Rather quiet, not many bites on the bottom. While waiting for the bites that never happened, a few small splashes that looked like frigates and a couple of bigger splashes that looked like kings happened around the boat. No takers on a lure.

Pumped some nippers and drifted the flats. Most nippers were taken by toads, though pulled out 2 whiting over 32cm and 2 bream to 30cm. Usually quiet at this time of year due to the large numbers of boat traffic. Finally had a decent hit on a nipper, felt like a good flathead with the head shakes, but when it swam around the boat a few times that idea stopped. Turned out to be a 51cm trevally, a lot of gold colour along the body. Was released.

Returned to Gunnamatta Bay to put the boat into the shed, threw a line in while cleaning the fish and pulled out another 2 bream to 37cm.


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