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Hi Guys,

I just wanted to add my 2 cents in regards to this part of the forum, this is not designed to offend anyone in anyway its just my opinion.

I have been rock fishing for about 5 years now and have had my fair share of close calls but I am normally always checking swell and wind to check if the conditions are safe enough to fish. I am in no way an expert I just love fishing and its something that I am forever learning from.

By discussing rock fishing spots are we potentially putting people in more risk than if we didn't have this part of the forum?

I'm not saying this to protect any of the ledges around the place - people are curious. I just think we could be sending inexperienced fishermen to their deaths for no reason.

I would rather inform people about general Rules of any rock fishing location than just telling them the spots. Its feels rewarding to reasearch a new spot and actually catch a few good fish to

Im looking for a better solution? Im not here to offend anyone, I'm just here for a discussion.



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The idea behind this forum was in response to the many questions on fishraider and the fact there are many queries regarding posts from raiders about spots. The idea was to list spots that are easy to access and are reasonably safe compared to others and that are near amenities and close to help! You will note I have personally excluded from posting known ledges that are swell magnets and cost lives (i won't name them). The guys doing this are drawing on many years experience. I have fished the Eastern Suburbs rocks since I was 14 thats 22 years I've known the area as well as Kurnell and RNP, my father's experience was 50 yrs so I draw on that as well. This is to educate as well as inform and note we mention in each location the do's and dont's and appropiate links.

Any queries ask one of and no offence taken.

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