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Mate I am heading to the northern fads , I really hope that the fish are there otherwise I will be heading wider if the weather permits.There are heaps of traps out there too.PM me your radio channel and call sign and we can give a report of different fads.


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Might be late but i fished wide of the harbour today on a charter boat and nailed a 12kg dolly at one of the fads. It was only a few km's out from North Head. A Marlin was caught today straight from the same FAD. It was a 110kg stripie. They are right in close with the warmer currents!

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Might be late but i fished wide of the harbour today on a charter boat and nailed a 12kg dolly at one of the fads. It was only a few km's out from North Head. A Marlin was caught today straight from the same FAD. It was a 110kg stripie. They are right in close with the warmer currents!

thanks for the heads up mate , Anyone heading out tommorrow we'll be up off Broken bay call sign Fishful thinking on chganeel 16 or 17


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