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flyrod for kingfish


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Yes mate they are actually classed by weight. Usually its a range like 7# to 8# or sometimes they span a range 4# to 6# weight etc , depends on the manufacturer. I like the Shimano Biocrafts but depends on your on budget. Reckon you want to start warming up your thumb if your planning on tackling kings on fly they tend to burn you a bit :074: .

Cheers Blood Knot

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Okay two considerations budget and size of kings most NZ guys use 10 to 12 weights sometimes a 13 or 14 for XOS models. I would go a 9ft 10 weight in reputable brand budget dependant look at Reddington and TFO for lower end and higher look a the likes of Thomas and Thomas, Scott, Orvis and Sage for reels get a Saltwater flyreel the Lamson Konic is good as are the high end Okumas, then the lines for kings I would get an intermediate line or a very slow sink to accelaret the sinl on slow lines to get deep you can buy sinking leaders in super fast sink up to 14 feet from Airflo, don't be fooled in to buying a cheap rod a king will destroy it actually they will destroy any rod! When you fight the dont highstick the rod a sure recipie for a broken tip keep the rod low less than 30 degrees use the butt to fight a fish leaders well 30lb fluro minimum.

PM if you want more specific details and details of good retailers to get the right gear surf the net and you may pick up a cheap second hand sage Xi3 or the RPLX or RPLXi and Sage are pretty good about fixing thierrods even if it has changed hands.....if your getting into swoffing at saltwater pelagics and the like don't skimp on the gear you will have it for life and you'll enjoy it



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thanks alot guys,

now just have to save some pennies to add a new toy to the collection,

was looking at those lamson konic reels, ( so you say this reel is ok )

might go have a feel in a tackle shop over the weekend,

thanks again guys and if i need anymore advice il let yous know.


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Lamson are very good one of the few reels tha thas a completely water tight drag system and the sound when a fish screams, it is in fact the Guru you want it will still need care (a good wash and wipe down) but has a very good finish that will handle salt, to really minimise corrosion you really need to strip your line and backing off on to a winder and wash and dry that as well after each trip!

This really goes for any reel otherwise the J w Young range from the UK has a good saltwater reel but very pricey!

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hey hooked up,

there are a couple of 2nd hand sage ( 9wt) and Loomis ( 10w) rods for sale on Justin Duggan’s site in the classifieds -- sydneyflyfishing dot com dot au

going cheap for 220 and 190 respectively .. not a bad deal was thinking of getting the sage just for spares as i already have one

I’ve been hucking flies at kings for years with my 9wt RPLXI and it handles most of the harbour fish.. ( most lol you do get smoked too.. i have had a few tips break but that more likely flies hitting the tip or clashing rods - and as Luderick says sage will sort you out with a new tip and decent price ---BUT the last tip did cost me $180 .. not the usual $80 -- but my rod was shop custom so tip came from USA and then built up here-- i used top only pay $80, but anyways )

with rod weight i have mates that do ok on 7 and 8wts too... at least with a lighter rod in Sydney the bonnies and salmon are more fun.. which is what you will actually catch most of.

as for reels well 2nd hand might not be so great as you just don’t know how they have been treated.. But you can save loads if you can get a good one

like the other guys say Lampson , okuma hellios , Colton reels , sage etc etc are all good enough for harbour fish...you don’t need to spend massive $$ to get a decent reel --- big YF tuna might kill em but kings bonnies and salmon in the harbour wont

the advice you have been given on lines is spot on.. though maybe you might wanna make a shooting head out of around 26 ft T14 or 29 ft of LC13 for working deep on the markers.. and deep dredging .. that way when you get smoked you have only lost $15 not $100

anyways .. hope you enjoy your adventure chasing kings its great fun .... no doubt I’ll see you out there... I’ll be sneaking around in the hobie powerskiff with the 40 Honda on the back -- hopefully this season get better.. it’s been pretty hot and cold so far.



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Great advice Grant,

forgot about the T14 and the likes, I hear Sage are runing very low on Graphite3 for the RPL series so those of us that have one may need to take a little more care I definately don't use my 5 weight RPL as much these days but damn they were a benchmark rod! Really set a standard in graphite rods

Edited by luderick -angler
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Great advice Grant,

forgot about the T14 and the likes, I hear Sage are runing very low on Graphite3 for the RPL series so those of us that have one may need to take a little more care I definately don't use my 5 weight RPL as much these days but damn they were a benchmark rod! Really set a standard in graphite rods

t14 is a cheap option but you gotta get the length right for the particular rod, and learn to huck and duck.. not a line for more than a false cast or two... could take you ear.. or head off for taaht matter lol

sage running out of the graphite.. thats no good i had better be careful then , but luckily my mate who does not fly fish anymore has a 9wt RPLXI with two spare tips .. so i think i will make him an offer soon !

i'm just back into fly fishing - say last 2 years.. after i dropped out of fishing in the early 2000's.

in the quiver i have an RPL+ 3wt and a 5wt.. and the RPLXi 9wt .. oldies but goodies --- i have cast a few of the new rods they ARE nice but i feel no need to change.. but its always nice eyeing off the new stuff.

my old 9wt reel died late last year - the one way bearing went.. so i bought a CRG11 colton and its very well made and beautifully smooth and pretty cheap --- it got a 'reel' workout on this fish a few weeks back ( went near 70).. had some bigger models try and eat hooked salmon and bonnies but with only one loaded rod in the boat i could not get at them ;-(

dont know why i gave up on chasing kings on the fly

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