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Pigs: Noob Qs


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Hi fellow raiders,

caught my first Pig the other day at Kurnell.

Fishing for BF at the time.

Pig was only small - 25cms, but good fun. Bait was cabbage.

There must be bigger ones there, but how do I get them ?

Some pointers would be very welcome.


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Fish the wash on a rising tide from mid to high. The more whitewater usually the better.

Use lightly weighted baits, simple rigs are the best. I use a small ball sinker running above a hook.

Use cungee or green weed.

Use bread as berley thrown into the wash helps bring in the fish if it is a bit quiet.

Expect to be busted off often if fishing with gear under 10kg. When hooked these fish rush straight for the ledges, often under your feet.

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Wait another two months as the water cools I have t otake another raider pig hunting in the Eastern Suburbs and April May is prime big pig time cool mornings warm day best results are just on first light and on dusk. Reefy gutters are top spots as are anywhere that has reasonable water depth and a noticebale reef or caves under the ledge, boulder strewn bottoms are ideal as long as you have some water depth to it and use half crabs or cunje, bread can be very good for bait as well if squeezed onto the hook in a tear drop! Use @X strong octopus or french style hooks and no les than 30lb fluro for leader! Oh and a good 6 wrap or more multi taper rod will benefit in wrestling them out!

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Hi Barnzey and luderick -angler,

thanks for this very helpful info.

Guess I need a dedicated rig for them - don't think my BF set-up would cope !

Plenty of spots at Kurnell consist of just the environment you describe.

Will let you know how I get on.


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