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Maritime Alert: Flooding


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Tuesday,28 February 2012

MaritimeAlert: Flooding

Boatowners and skippers are advised to keep clear of flood affected waterways whichare impacting much of NSW, according to Roads and Maritime Services.

MaritimeActing Manager Boating Safety and Regional Operations Craig Whitmore said therewere severe weather and flood warnings current.

Thesevere weather warning is for the Riverina, Upper Western,Australian Capital Territory, South Coast, Illawarra, Central West Slopes &Plains, South West Slopes, Snowy Mountains, Lower Western, Southern Tablelandsand Central Tablelands forecast districts.

There are also flood warnings for rivers including thefollowing:

· Peel-Namoi Rivers

· Murrumbidgee River

· Culgoa-Bokhara-NarranRivers

· Warrego River

· Paroo River

· Barwon-Darling Rivers

· Murray River upstream ofHume Weir.

“Otherwaterways may be affected as well and my advice is for people to take extremecare with any waterways, anywhere in the State, where rivers are or have beenin flood, or where heavy rain has fallen recently,” Mr Whitmore said.

“Floodedrivers carry a lot of debris and there will be navigation markers that are outof position as well as sand banks and obstructions that may haveshifted. Skippers are advised to keep clear of any waterways in flood.Only vessels used for emergency situations should be out on such waters.

“Ownersof vessels on moorings should ensure the mooring apparatus is serviceable andcheck all lines to ensure it can meet increased flows within the rivers. Theimpact of such heavy rain in the catchments can remain for days, weeks, or evenmonths on our inland waterways.”

Everyskipper is responsible for the safety of their boat and the people on board.

Forflood advice, go to http://www.ses.nsw.gov.au/community-safety/floodsafe/

Significantnavigation hazards and damaged or missing navigation markers should be reportedto the Maritime Info Line 13 12 56 (open business hours, seven days a week).

Foremergency assistance call the SES on telephone number 132 500. For lifethreatening emergencies, call 000 immediately.

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Wow, for once we're not on a flood warning! :1yikes:

I hope the rivers don't peak at expected levels & everyone is safe.

Please DON"T drive through flooded roads, even if you know the area. We lost a couple of locals up here in the last flood that got washed away in their vehicles.



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I had a look at Goulburn last night, the river near the police academy has overflowed onto the golf course and on the academy running track. My missus said that they are cancelling all their pyshical training sessions. Lucky them.

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