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Hawkesbury River, Brooklyn


12 March 2012 to 31 March 2013


Vessel operators are advisedthat due to maintenance by Roads and Maritime (RMS), the waters around the Newand Old Peats Ferry bridges (F3/Pacific Highway) over the Hawkesbury River,Brooklyn will be partially closed to navigation from 12 March 2012 until 30March 2013 for routine bridge maintenance and repair work.

The works willinvolve painting and repair work conducted from barges that will be used toprovide materials and equipment to bridge workers. Bridge maintenanceworks will progress one span at a time on each bridge.

Channel blocked day shapes and night lights will be displayed under the spansbeing painted at each particular time, and the barges will also display theappropriate day shapes and/or navigation lights. (see p59 NSW Maritime Boating Handbook 2011/12)

Lit yellow aquamarks displaying day shapes for ‘channel blocked’ will be deployed upstream anddownstream as well as between the Old and New Peats Ferry bridges indicatingthe affected span.

Additional lityellow aqua marks displaying ‘4 knots’ and yellow flashing lights will bedeployed 150m upstream and 150m downstream of the affected span of bothbridges.


Vessel operators are advised to exercise extremecaution when navigating in the vicinity of the works, and to pay particularattention to construction works vessels and buoyed off areas. This navigationwarning remains in place for the duration of the works.


RMS advisesthat in relation to the works;

a) Persons within the vicinity of the works must comply with any directionsgiven by a Boating Safety Officer or Police Officer in relation to the works orto marine safety. Failure to comply with any such direction is an offence (MarineSafety Act 1998, s.15A - Maximum Penalty $3,300.00).

B) Vessels are required to maintain a safe distance and speed from the works andoperators are reminded that the production of wash which impacts unreasonablyon the works is an offence (Marine Safety (General) Regulation – clause 9) -Maximum Penalty $5,500.00)

c) Vessels are required to comply with the 4 knot speed limit as indicated on theyellow aqua marks (Marine Safety Act – section 11 – Maximum Penalty$1,100.00)


Boating Map –9B

For further informationconcerning this Navigation Warning, please contact RMS(Maritime) on 02 9477 6600 (8:30 am – 4:30 pm), OR

· Info Line 131 256 (8:30 am – 4:30 pm 7days a week), OR

· Boating Safety Officer Brooklyn 0427 976161


· RMS Bridge maintenance project website

· LiveTraffic Website

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