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Flathead on fly

Moro Mou

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I have set myself a new challenge - catch a flatty on fly.

I have already had a few cracks but no cigar. I am fishing a 6/7 weight over flats with an itermediate line. I have been using clouser types flies with reasonably heavy heads. They are definatley getting to the bottom. I have tried greens and yellows and blue and whites with no success.

Can anyone offer any pointers on fly selection and the type of retreive?

Many thanks.

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One thing to think about though is that you want your fly touching down on the bottom and then jumping up off the bottom as you strip.... not just sliding along the bottom at all times. The flatties lie in the sand looking up so a fly right on the bottom at all times will only be seen if it happens to pass right on the nose of a fish.

If you're fishing in very shallow water, that might mean using a floating line or perhaps switching to a lighter weighted or even unweighted fly (like a bendback instead of a clouser).

For most situations though, you've got the perfect set up for flatties. Colours are personal choice but I usually fish bright flies (chartreuse or pink) in discoloured water and natural colours (tan or white) when it's clear. Size wise just go with flies that are the same sort of size that you might use for soft plastics... usually around a #1 to 2/0 clouser will do. For retrieves just think about how bait moves... short, jerky retrieves to immitate prawns or small bait fish is a good start. Again... try to imitate what you'd do if you were using plastics.

Hit the edges of weed beds, drop offs, sandy pockets among the weed... and you'll get flatties. When you're starting out it can be good to go to locations that hold good concentrations of fish... Patonga creek, Iron Cove, Hen & Chicken bay... any of the known Flatty hot spots are worth a go. This will give you a better chance of connecting and starting to work out a pattern

Cheers, Slinky

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Thanks Slinky,

Appolgies for posting this in the worng section (meant fly chat).

By the sounds of things i am doing the right things . . . but just need to find the fish!

Might try the floating line though Slinky as this may help getting the fly to bounce off the bottom.

Hopefully i will have a photo to post soon.


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