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Port Hacking Surprise


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Went out early today to drift on the bottom of the low tide. The was was still incredibly dirty, visibility was less than a metre. Lots of action on the surface with small tailor chasing baitfish.

Didn't catch a single thing while drifting and gave up. Went back to the pontoon and decided to have a few casts to use up my bait. Caught a few little tailor, and was absolutely floored when I pulled in a nice kingie on a piece of prawn! Caught a yellowtail and used it as bait - got two trevally - both keepers.

Turned my day right around!

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Went out early today to drift on the bottom of the low tide. The was was still incredibly dirty, visibility was less than a metre. Lots of action on the surface with small tailor chasing baitfish.

Didn't catch a single thing while drifting and gave up. Went back to the pontoon and decided to have a few casts to use up my bait. Caught a few little tailor, and was absolutely floored when I pulled in a nice kingie on a piece of prawn! Caught a yellowtail and used it as bait - got two trevally - both keepers.

Turned my day right around!

Hi there,

What pontoon were u fishing from to get the Kingie??


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With the amount of rain we've had lately, the water temperature has dropped inside and outside. Had a swim at Wanda yesterday and there were colder patches of water just where the waves were starting to form up. There was a few degrees difference between the top and the bottom in water less than 3 metres deep.

Appears that the fish in the deeper water of the Port are still a bit quiet.

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