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Fishing Log


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:wacko: Hi all

I sat down last weekend determined to create a new fishing log. As there is always something new coming along to add to your equation I new what was relevant but I found that I could not decide what was, irrelevant :1badmood: . Every time I print off wat I think is the finished version I second guess it.

So I decided to ask those who would know :1clap: . If anybody would like to share their ideas of the perfect :1fishing1: log please do so. Most of my :1fishing1: is done from a boat around sydney. so if you have anything that might help I'll throw it into the mixing pot.


Regards Russ

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Hey Russ, I recall some time ago Iain was creating his own fishing database using access and at the time there was some discussion by the then members about keeping logs etc and being able to draw on this information for future reference.

This was a while ago and since then the forum has moved/changed format a couple of times, that said I'm sure if you sent Iain a PM he would be more than happy to assist you with what he'd done. That said, I guess fishing is made up of a series of variables and it's a matter of getting those sorted and to what level of detail you go to e.g. tide, moon, air pressure, water temp, time of day, date, location etc etc. Figure a way of recording these in a log and you're done. Maybe use a excel sheet for starters with columns containing validation where you can set your values????

Let us know how you get on.


:1naughty: Great advice JD :thumbup: I should start with the basics and add on to that as req. I think thats the best bet. Different info for different situation. Ill get on to Iain as well.

Thanks mate :thumbup::yahoo:


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I use an Excel spreadsheet with date,tide,barometer,moon age,method,results. I plot them onto a chart which provides an easy reference & is a good indicator of trends. Mine for instance shows rising catches as barometer rises & so on.

It's good to record things but I find having a graph/ chart very handy & makes it easier to see whats going on.

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My fishing log explains why Microsoft are successful. Put a nice GUI (Graphical User Interface) on the front of anything and people will want it!!!!


Damn straight Iain :risata:

I am hopeless with computers, if it wasnt for Fishraider and Ebay id have :throw: by now!!

I'll posrt when it's ready for download.

thanx, that would be great. every year i start a hand written diary and end up forgetting about it after a few entries so a computer log would be fantastic.

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Excellent looking log Ian, I sat down to do something similar some time ago but quickly got irritable with Access :ranting2: I currently have a hand written diary stretching back to 1999 with heaps of info but it can be a pain when I need to find a particular piece of info. So after dumping the Access approach I went searching the 'net for something usable. A lot of the programs I came across were American Centric (not surprising) but a few caught my eye and I downloaded more than a few to test out. The best one I came across is from a company called IDEALOG.NET called Fishing Log Pro. It is a nice little program that has some excellent functionality, very customiable (is that a word?) and includes all the information categories you need (and a heap you dont). Also has a good reporting and graph apps.

I transposed all my Trouting Trips and data over and I am impressed so far.

If you want a look: http://www.fishing.idealog.net/

Otherwise I would encourage what Ian has done, if you know a bit about Access you can customise and tailor it to you particular needs :1clap:



PS. You do have to pay for it however. But, if you are in the know there are ways...... :1naughty:

Edited by Matt
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G'Day Boof. Exactly Mate, but to put it up here and run a 'central' version I need to web enable it and I don't have the knowledge to do that.

I'll have to convince work to send me on some courses, despite it being completely unrelated to what I do!!


Iain I spend most of my day on Fishraider site. :1clap: And Im a Transport supervisor :badair: . I know it's completely unrelated to wat I do :074: but like you guy's Im hooked. :1fishing1::1fishing1::1fishing1:

Regards Russ

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