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Port Hacking Submarine?


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Hi guys just thought I would throw a quick post up.

Squiddin, a mate from work, his friend, and I were fishing the Hacking a couple nights ago. Got a couple squid, the usual. We started chasing a few yakkas hanging around the wharf, after collecting a few, I found my mates heavy gear laying on the wharf. So being the optimistic person I am, I set up a yakka fillet out for soak for abit. little over half an hour later the noise we wanna hear comes. Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz. My mate races for the rod and sets the hook. This thing was a steam train! I started recording the encounter for over 12 minutes. But it was quickly taking up alot of my memory on my phone. The fish didnt have any headshakes, and would just not let up or give us anything. Eventually 30 minutes a few change overs of people taking on the fish happend, the mono backing appeared on the reel. Then SNAP! good bye fish.

From what squidding and the rest told me, the fish didnt have head shakes, it sat in spots as if it dug itself in, it would not turn its head towards the wharf no matter how much they tried. We narrowed it down to a large ray.

The setup was an 8-15kg stick, saragosa 6000, 30lb braid and 20lb leader.

I would post the video but its not very (PG) as alot of swearing occured, and I dont have experience with video editing.

If any one catches a ray with alot of line dragging behind it, I would very much appreciate having the line back please! :)

Thanks guys for reading.

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Have hooked large black rays in the deeper sections, 5 or 6 foot across. There are also eagle rays, the biggest was measured at 6 foot across.

The big eagle rays can run like a big kingie, just as fast and just as hard to stop.


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I had the same thing happen one night with mini me on Botany. The little one went off with excitment when he thought that we had caught the monster from the deep unfortunatley got spooled out as well.

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Got it


The whole purpose of this video is to hear the reel scream.

is that at bundeena wharf? whatever it was must of been huge because saragosa's are known for their tougness

Edited by Spoooled
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