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Navigation Lights


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Just would like to say if someone drives up too you and lets you know your navigation lights are not on while you are anchored. Please don't be a rude so and so and tell them they need glasses. We are required to have them on for a reason, to avoid people getting hurt. A simple thanks and have a good night will suffice.


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That's what I understand it to be. You do not show navigation lights when anchored. A single all round white light or if the boat is very small, a torch to signal an approaching vessel. Showing nav lights mean your boat is underway and allows other skippers to tell what direction you are heading.

If you're swinging at anchor with the nav lights on, a vessel approaching from your starboard may assume you will or you have already altered course to avoid a collision and although they should/would also avert a collision it makes a simple situation more difficult.

Likewise not showing a white light (only nav lights) when underway makes a power vessel look like a sailing vessel, with the rules of road being altered accordingly.

Edited by Testlab
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Nav lights and an all round light are necessary when underway, between sunset and sunrise, ie running, or drifting.

An all white light or torch on its own should be shown at anchor, for the reasons described as testlab.

Moored vessels don't require an all round light at their mooring as it is a skippers responsibility to know mooring sites and navigate accordingly

Cheers Leo

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Hi all

I do apologize when i wrote nav lights i meant the anchor light, as on approach the vessel he could not be seen until i was on top of him.

where as all the other boats in the area had anchor lights on and could be easily seen. Also he was in the main thorough fair heading up toward the middle of the bridge so i was concerned that any larger vessels may not see him until its to late and wipe him out.


Edited by shaggytrevally
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Sometimes I am out and about in the evening/night on my boat, and it is scaring :1yikes:the number of vessels without the appropriate lights.

Mostly the night light, either missing, or so low you cannot see it.

Or sometimes I can hear them but only see vaguely their shades under the full moon.

When anchored I have the white light on and the cabin/deck light on (I feel lit like a Christmas tree)

Well done on telling them (even -from the reaction-) they don't understand the need for proper lights.

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