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Frustrated and need advice on decent spots!


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Hi elferoz.

Noticed your form down south. There is a spot on the north end of the sea cliff bridge just before coal cliff that have noticed a few times on my drives and was wondering if you've fished it?

Googled mapped it and saw someone upload pics of people fishing the spot but didn't see their Riggs. Wouldn't happen to know what species lurk there would you?

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Hi Kirst,

Do you bait and rig your own set up? If so can you tell me what the main factor was that made you decide to do it yourself?

I can't seem to get the wife to do her own baiting and rigging. She loves fishing but hates touching anything fishy heh. Took her on a charter and the entire time we were out there i spent baiting and de-hooking....was sooo much fun for me :ranting2:

As for Burley i get the home brand bread and homebrand canned Tuna. Rip up the bread, pour over the canned Tuna juice over the bread, let soak, put into your bucket and voila.

If you have left over bread you can make yourself a tuna sandwhich snack while you sit there waiting for the fish to bite.

Yeah I sure do. When I 1st started (Just over a year ago) my partner would do it for me. The bait I was ok with after being shown how. I did find it a bit weird and gross at 1st, but now I'm not phased at all .. I mainly use prawns, however did use worms (not live) the other week! I havent yet graduated to live bait (and dont know of i ever will). I only recently started rigging up my own line (mainly because I had to learn to tie knots lol). The main reasons for doing both of these though was being self reliant. I hated that when I snagged and had to snap the line or wanted to change sinkers etc I had to annoy my partner. I just love the satisfaction of doing it all on my own. It's weird to think that only a year ago I wouldn't touch the fish either .. Now its one of the best parts about the whole experience! Perhaps in time she might start doing it herself? Otherwise you could try getting some bait she will touch e.g cooked prawns. Not really sure what else to suggest. Good luck though :)

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