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been a long time labour voter but never again. Tony Abbott has my vote. Getting rid of the carbon tax will be the best thing that will happen to this country.

Edited by tumra
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The economic theory is that in mature industries where there is little differentiation between products (think electricity and groceries for example) customers become more sensitive to price. When a business operates on a cost leadership strategy their resources are arranged to maximise efficiency. If their business operations pollute, and attract carbon tax, their costs go up and they become uncompetitive.

Customers should shop around and use their purchasing power to reward low emission companies who pay less tax. Basically they are letting consumer market forces influence companies to reduce emissions.

I see your point, which is why I mentioned point 1, the gov is pretty much trying to rebate or negate the carbon tax on your electricity and groceries, by giving you a tax cut etc. When I say "your" I mean the majority of Australians as thats where the tax cut is targeted at.

For a consumer like myself, for me to investigate and research on a cheaper provider etc, I'm sure there's not much difference between prices, I mean, there's only 2 major electricity vendors... which is pointless as now its all joint into 1, thanks to the NSW gov. I don't know what the implications on that is, but I'm sure its not good.

Edited by The Incredible Hull
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The country should consider a new slogan. "Australia, where we reward you for being lazy"

I resent this statement. you be without teachers, police,fire services, ambos, shopkeepers etc.... they are mostly below that threshold? not everyone is lucky enough to earn a lot of money.

Then there are people like me who have earned more than that and through no fault of their own find that they are not able to work any more because of injuries incurred through work? Or people that have gone through extreme trauma from being in their jobs? Its statements like yours that shows just how uninformed and arrogant some people are. The overwhelming majority of people in Australia who do work hard find it increasingly unaffordable and these benefits help us afford food for our tables and warm places for our children to sleep. I hope that you never find yourself in a situation like mine or so many other people in this land because you may find that the reality of the situation is far different from your jaded and bigoted views.

Edited by landbased
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I resent this statement. Some people (like myself) are not actually able to work and have to simply exist and try to pay our bills. You try having some idiot coming into the store that you are running, hold a gun to your head and try to slash your daughters throat and see if you can face working again. FFS some people are just ingnorant jackasses.

Yes I made the statement so I can directly aim it at YOU ONLY, sure... I didn't aim it at the lazy free loaders who did have a choice, nah mate, I only aimed it at YOU cause I felt like it? LOL. By the way, thats called SARCASM.

And how would you know if I haven't been held at gun point before? Because in fact I HAVE. Perhaps you should delete your account and go bother someone else cause you've lost the point and the plot completely. :thumbdown:

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been a long time labour voter but never again. Tony Abbott has my vote. Getting rid of the carbon tax will be the best thing that will happen to this country.

the only thing i can vote for is the shooters and fishers party after this lol

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