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Narrabeen beach session 30/06/12


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Hi raiders,

Had a beach session at narrabeen beach yesterday, we got there at 1:30 pm to find plenty of surfers and around 6 people fishing the various gutters along the shore. The weather was pleasant and sunny minimal wind and nice condition for a fish.

Armed with blood and beach worms fished the incoming tide caught a nice just legal sand whiting and my mate caught a bream. Later in the arvo on high tide just as i was trying to rig a blood worm in my light outfit, my big 12kg surf rod with baitrunner 6500d started screaming I thought Jew fish! I dropped the worm and ran over to the rod struck and started winding something powerfully was on, turned the fish and waded into the water a massive wave pushed the charging fish into my legs nearly knocking me over, an Australian salmon! Quick pic and back into the surf some more guys arrived before sunset and we began having tangle after tangle, the next to me was using lighter sinkers so I packed up I saw him pull out about 3 nice bream. My mate also caught a sambo we packed up and called it a day!3aa3afac-eebd-1547.jpg

Tight lines,


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Very nice fish Shakeel,

The beaches are obviously the place to be in Sydney at the moment.

Keep up the good work.


Thanks nursie your right our beaches produce fish all year round unless a super trawler comes through though!

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Very nice fish mate, going to be in Manly on Saturday night might have to go down to manly beach and give it a go

Thanks shark'od, yeah I read some reports by Alex belissimo who's a guru around that area and they have been getting sand whiting and bream from manly and deewhy beaches but apparently you have to moove around and if the wind is blowing from the nth or east you tend to get more fish in close from experience the opposite for souther and westerlys you have to cast out further I think it's got to do with the bait getting pushed in or out from the shore line good luck and let us know how you go

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