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Sydney Fishing Sunday


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I haven’t been on a boat for the last month, and got my chance yesterday with limited time didn’t have the chance to go to my Bellambi trip yet.

IT was a perfect middle of winter day but arrived on the water at 1pm and had to leave 4pm so with limited time we just anchored the boat and no moving was done to save time.

I didn’t have any fresh bait, just took chicken breast and pilles, really wanted to further improve my soft plastics as well but not the time. My main target was a humble large snapper with a hump on his head. We ended up catching many species and not even a single legal snapper :) most were just undersize. Managed 3 undersize kingfish, some large toadfish it’s spiked me in the hand man its sharp but I survived I was thinking it must be poisonous and my hand was going to go numb but nothing happened.

Water temperature out the head was around 17.5 inside was 15.9 so alot warmer. We left 4 on the dot to make it for friend’s wedding, but I might on missed my chance for a larger fish as it was probably been the best last 1 and half hrs before dark and they were starting to bite instantly.

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