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Roseville lowtide action


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Headed over to roseville bridge area tonight at around 8pm. me and a mate were itching for a fish so low tide fish it had to be. i had a huge feeling that this night would be an enormous waste of time with not even a nibble. arrived before my mate and sent out uncooked coles prawn pieces and was getting instant bites. had a few fish on but they would shake off. my mate arrived and i managed to get several small tailor and bream. suddenly my mates rod buckles and starts taking line on a set drag. it was a quick but powerful fight and a large 60cm salmon emerges from the depths, im panicking trying to land the fish as it drags the line over oyster beds, but successfully landed and we are stoked to find such a fish. continue fishing, several tailor and bream. mate then gets a nice trevally.

turned out to be an exiting sesh, was surprised given the low tide.

try get pics up tomorrow.


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Well done! Good session for low tide! I always find High Tide much more productive (except for jewfish) Where abouts were you fellas fishing? Lost a sambo at my feet the other day up near the ramp.

Cheers, Tom

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We were on the Killarny Heights side of the bridge. Just to the left of the bridge.

Tides were very strange kept swapping every 10 - 20 minutes.

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I noticed that yesterday too! I think it has something to do with the bridge pylons obstructing water flow. Strange though..

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