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ScentBlazers How to - Load the lures

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Hey All,

Now that you have bought your Scent Blazer lure or still deciding whether to buy them or not, this video will help you load your lure and understand how they work.

If you have any questions please feel free to ask.

Remember to watch it in1080p HQ!


Tight Lines,



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wow...awsome fish and what looks to be a great idea with the lures....... might be a stupid question, but is the hook only attached to the lure via the screw in thread?

it looked like when you unscrewed the back end of the lure to fill it with pillies, that the hook was completely detattched from the lure....

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Hey rayzor,

The line runs through the head (the same as any other skirted trolling lure) then passes through the bait chamber down to the hook. By unscrewing the hook lock from the bait chamber it will simply let the leader run thought the head freely but still be connected to the hook.

Hope this helps...

Tight lines,



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