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complete and utter dispair.


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I'm writing this still fishing in middle harbour been here since 6 with fresh squid. Dropped a small fish at the start maybe a flatty or small Jew. Decided to call it quits early got everything packed up apart from one rod with half a squid on it. Just as I go to pull it in it gets a nudge quickly pick up the rod and feel weight so I lean into it and get some good head shakes an feels weighty a big smile comes across my face as I go to give it some and get it coming towards me.... It didn't like that idea. What came next was the most poweful run I've ever felt and I'm cheering it finally slowed for some big head shakes and off again this went on for what felt like 5 minutes to leaving me thinking its gotta stop soon it just has to but it would only stop to shake its head before steaming off more it finally slowed down as I'm looking at the backing of my reel which is holding 300m of 30lb line and I start getting some line back and bang it found a reef :(. I have never felt power like that before.

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Completely feel your dispare. I've been done on 50lb braid, locked up drag many times over the years. Twice spooled! Middle Harbor has some monster jew. Because they live in such snaggy country the big ones can be near impossible to stop!

Keep going and you'll get your 20kg fish! Sounds like your one wasn't a bad size either!

Cheers, Tom

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Its the second time I've been smoked by something massive in middle harbour. First time on 20lb last night on 30lb and both time has been when I've stopped bringing my 50lb gear. I usually run an 18000 saragosa on an 8foot 50-80lb popping rod for big Jews but last night decided to fish light.

But the feel of this fish I should have brought down my 18000 Stella with 80lb braid+100lb wind-on.

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Be sure ill be back there soon prepared with the heavy gear good fresh baits and ill hopefully get him.

I missed a good one there about a week ago to so I know they come through there just a matter of grouping, preparing and giving it another shot.

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Yeah sounds like MH. Mostly quiet then a devastating run on the wrong rod. Go heavy and forget a hit like that. Lost a few big ones like that to moorings.

I usually fish MH a lot but blue water addiction has kept me further afield. Might just have to hit the jewie spot soon. I have promised myself that the next big one is going back to swim on and anything over 1m is not a keeper for me anymore.

Cheers man and good luck, runs like that keep you going back.


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thats what keeps us coming back for more :)

has anyone fished vb reef much to any success ?

I have fished VB a few times over the years and surprisingly caught bugger all. It holds good bait at times and looks good on the sounder but no luck. Had better luck with kings by moving over to Pickering point. You would think that VB would hold jews at times.


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thats what keeps us coming back for more :)

has anyone fished vb reef much to any success ?

Tried a few times but only bream and trevally. Had a live yakka and half squid down both times but nothing... Didn't spot many fish on the sounder either... +1 for pickering point. Big Flathead and many get jew and kings there too!

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Sorry guys, I know MH fairly well, but "vb reef"??

when at pickering point looking towards the "bluff" go straight ahead and turn into the bay area on left. Watch sounder as the reef comes right up like a mound. There is a big yacht sitting near/over it.


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when at pickering point looking towards the "bluff" go straight ahead and turn into the bay area on left. Watch sounder as the reef comes right up like a mound. There is a big yacht sitting near/over it.


Cheers Zenman, I'll check it out next time I'm in MH...

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Sorry guys, I know MH fairly well, but "vb reef"??

Its a reef in middle harbour supposedly made by a couple of old fellas chucking empty VB bottles into the water over many years. Not sure how true it is (about VB bottles), but its a pretty cool story.


Edited by mattyg_16
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