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soft plastics


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just started using soft plastics and not having much luck mainly fishing central coast areas just like to know what plastics people are using and there techniques mainly targeting flathead and bream i know its hard this time of year any tips would be appreciated thanks heaps

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Hey mate, I had a similar question not long ago. Here's the URL for the responses I got. I went with the gulp prawns and squidgy wrigglers. Both seem to work on a fairly slow action in the winter months, managed both bream and flat head, land based in the central coast.

Still going after a jewfish with te 3" prawn so will keep you posted with other results



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My personal fav lures for bream and flaties would be berkley turtleback worm (pumpkin seed) and squidgy flick bait 85-70mm (pilly). Working them, because its winter a slower retrieve will prove more successful, use just a basic lift and jig retrieve and make sure to let ur lure sink to the bottom espically when fishing for flathead.

Hope this helps :)

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Squidgy Bloodworm 100mm wriggler for flatties and big bream. 80mm for smaller bream and trevally. Z-man 3" minnowz for flathead too. Its much harder in Winter but if you plug away at it for the remainder of winter, you should pick up a few and prepare yourself for summer :thumbup:

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Squidgy Bloodworm 100mm wriggler for flatties and big bream. 80mm for smaller bream and trevally. Z-man 3" minnowz for flathead too. Its much harder in Winter but if you plug away at it for the remainder of winter, you should pick up a few and prepare yourself for summer :thumbup:

how do u rig up your zman minnowz, i found it real hard to get a squidgy round head jig head into them?

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how do u rig up your zman minnowz, i found it real hard to get a squidgy round head jig head into them?

Have to agree. They are quite tricky to get on. I found the trick is to really push it in hard. I'm using Nitro jigheads which are a different shape. Once there you wear a hole in the plastic they tend to slip down the shank alot.. Still seem appatising to the fish though!

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I'm no expert but might be able to help a bit.

What is your technique like? How do you "work" your soft plastics?

I was beginning to think SPs were useless until in desperation I bought and watched a couple of DVDs on how to use them. Success was gradual rather than instant but it did come.

Choice of jig heads can be important too. For example, too bigger weight and the SP will just plummet to the bottom and look lifelsess. Lighter weights are harder to cast but generally end up looking more natural.

In short, get a DVD or 3 and study them. Experiment with diffent jig heads.

Hope this helps. Sp fishing is addictive! Once success starts to come it can be very rewarding.


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Also depends on what outfit you are using?? I have two 1-3kg outfits with 1000 Shimano reels, one with 2 pound and the other with 4. I find I can use ultra light jigs(nitro 1-32,1-24 size 2 hook)

I find the lighter the jig the better it presents to the fish you are targeting hence why I am using the light gear to get the lure out further and also better contact and feel of the lure.

Don’t get me wrong you I use heavier jigs depending on wind and water current but ideally I prefer using the lightest possible because it works for me.

Persistence pays off mate hope this helps.

P.S there is one down thing with the light gear, be prepared to loose some fish as well lol.

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Hey mate,

Can't say much about bream because I have not cracked one on a plastic yet. For flathead I do most of my spinning up at wallis lake in Forster. It took me about a year and half to crack it and then one day it just all stuck together. Like the poster said above me get a couple of DVDs they helped me. As for plastics for flathead I do not have a faviortie plastic type just colour. In the nice clear water I find anything pink works best. If the water is dirty gold colour. You will find everyone will say something different they like and it all works. As for technique I like 2 -3 quick flicks and the fish mostly take the lure on the way down and when you go to flick it again bang the fish is there. Hope this helps.


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Hey mate,

Can't say much about bream because I have not cracked one on a plastic yet. For flathead I do most of my spinning up at wallis lake in Forster. It took me about a year and half to crack it and then one day it just all stuck together. Like the poster said above me get a couple of DVDs they helped me. As for plastics for flathead I do not have a faviortie plastic type just colour. In the nice clear water I find anything pink works best. If the water is dirty gold colour. You will find everyone will say something different they like and it all works. As for technique I like 2 -3 quick flicks and the fish mostly take the lure on the way down and when you go to flick it again bang the fish is there. Hope this helps.


Martin hit the nail on the head !! colour is Probly the most important thing to consider as well, you might purchase the best lure on the market and find you have caught nothing on it, it's all about the colour!!.

I like to use colour that suit the conditions e.g. I'm fishing weed beds for bream so ill use a wriggler in the wasabi colour....

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Have to agree. They are quite tricky to get on. I found the trick is to really push it in hard. I'm using Nitro jigheads which are a different shape. Once there you wear a hole in the plastic they tend to slip down the shank alot.. Still seem appatising to the fish though!

when u get the plastic on push it back a little bit and put superglue on the jig head then squeeze it bak on, works a treat
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would the grub be affected if the jig head comes out right before the tail? or it doesnt matter?

Don't think it would really matter. If the fish wants it, it would probably take it regardless.

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  • 2 months later...

Hi to all,

I've just started using Berkley Gulp SP in the turtleback beachworm in the camo, caught a flattie and a flounder on my first attempt at them but you need to be persistent though,that was two weeks ago, went back to the same spot this w/end and only got a nibble saw some colour as it followed the SP back up to the boat,,,i havent had any success with the 3" prawn in the natural colour,,any help with that would be appreciated?????..also want to know how deep can we go with the SP, ive been fishing in about 6mtrs of water or less at a low tide...cheers

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