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Bream and an EP on Berowra


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G'day Raiders,

Been back in Sydney for a couple of weeks now and have been lovin the weather compared to Melbs, so I been making the most of it and hitting up the good old local estuary... Berowra. Since the water is down to about 12 degrees now and the flatties have gone off the chew we have been targetting those big winter blue nose bream. Well we haven't found that stonker fish yet but i can smell it coming in the next few weels haha, fingers crossed.

Anyway me and my dad went out on Sunday and worked the many pontoons and snags scattered throughout the river, we found most of the fish were holding very close to the bottom and by the end of the day we scored ourselves a nice bag of 8 bream, the biggest going 34cm taken by my dad. The biggest surprise came at the end of the day when I pulled a 36cm Estuary Perch from a snag, my first one, after a few photos it was released and shot off straight back to its snag. Can't wait to get back out there now.

Catch ya later,

Prawn Star

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