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Hey Fishraiders! It's been a while that I've been on here,

I was just wondering if anyone would be able to tell me some interesting spots for shark hunting, A few friends and I have recently hit down at La Perouse and managed to hook up a few and since then, our interest has grown for them.

Any spots around Sydney would be helpful, Possible baits would be appreciated too guys!

Thank you in advance fish raiders! Keep fishing!

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Hey Fishraiders! It's been a while that I've been on here,

I was just wondering if anyone would be able to tell me some interesting spots for shark hunting, A few friends and I have recently hit down at La Perouse and managed to hook up a few and since then, our interest has grown for them.

Any spots around Sydney would be helpful, Possible baits would be appreciated too guys!

Thank you in advance fish raiders! Keep fishing!

Hey mate I have never caught a shark targeting on but have always caught bronzies pj n all that stuff while going for Jews.

I have also recently gained an interest for them and also asked around everywhere. From what I learnt u must have a decent length of shock leader aroun 80-120 lb as the shark skin is like sand paper and they do thrash about a lot.

Big bait. We have been using whole salmon caught in the morning dunked in tuna oil the whole day and then taken out at night to use as bait.

I have a kayak which I use to paddle out our baits and big burley bombs which consists of tuna oil pellets sand and a lot of blended or chopped up salmon. Once the burley goes in you can't help but think there's a big shark stalking you and the jaws theme song starts playing. We always get there in the day half hour or an hour before sunset get 2 nice baits out and then package the yak equipment up n sit for the night.

Hope this helps

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Hey A.Dawg :)

Thanks for the response, To be honest, I havn't really been using any shock leader at all haha, The other night while I was in La Perouse, I was just using 12 kilo line as both the main line, and my leader line, seperated by a swivel Haha! I've also heard that sharks thrash around alot, It's quite interesting that you share that with me, I've been thinking about setting up with some better quality line, seeing as I'm currently only using &&*&*& 3 dollar mono line :D

Bronzies and Port Jackson sharks hey? Have they been of decent size? I'd like to land myself either, you mind sharing me some spots mate? :)

Cheers in advance!

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If you are after bull sharks then during summer there's no shortage of them in Middle Harbour. Landbased you can find them all the way from balmoral to well past the roseville bridge. The key is plenty of burley/chum and a big bait. Things like salmon heads, live big mullet/tailor and big butterflied baits are best. If your looking for a spot then there are a few. Balmoral Wharf at night during summer for bronzies and the odd bull... Most think this isn't a very sharks area but i HAVE caught bronzies (to 6') at night here in the past. Chuck out a big livie or salmon head under a balloon... 30cm live yakka got me most of my sharks here... don't expect to get MANY sharks here.. but if you persist you are in with a chance. Roseville bridge are has a few bulls in summer but they aren't easy to catch... Night time with a big,smelly bait is your best bet here... Anywhere near sugarloaf bay and pickering point are good also.. Parra has plenty of sharks in summer too.. Basically fish similar areas as you would for jewfish and you might get lucky! Make sure you have the gear to stop them though.. I'd also consider a wire leader if i were you.. Depending on shark size, for a 2m shark i'd probably want 80-100lb mainline (more if in tight structure like bridges etc.. 120+ mono/fluro leader and at around 2 foot of 120+lb wire... Go lighter if you want but be prepared to lose plenty if you do..

Good luck!

Cheers, Tom

Edited by mack attack 79
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Mack Attack! Thanks for the reply :)

Thanks for that rap up, I'll be sure to have a look around Roseville bridge, I drove past there lastnight on the way to dropping the girlfriend off in Dee Why. Just not quite sure how to gain access to it, i'll have to look into it!

I recently went down to the local fishing tackle shop, I was buying boxed squid and i noticed they had Bonito Strips and massive Mullet Chunks, Will these help produce a shark? Just out of curiousity.

As for the line, with a shark, is it best using mono or braid? The other night when I was using mono, I noticed that whenever i'd pull the shark in and take it off and release him, my line would be stretched so I would have to re rig all over again with a stronger piece of line. I'm using a 12 foot Shimano Rod, only equiped with a Reel that I think can only hold 20lb line on it, I take that from reading it on the reel. I'm not to good with all this, but will this mean I should be investing in a new reel? Or am I alright to set bigger line on this reel?

Thanks heaps mate!

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Mack Attack! Thanks for the reply :)

Thanks for that rap up, I'll be sure to have a look around Roseville bridge, I drove past there lastnight on the way to dropping the girlfriend off in Dee Why. Just not quite sure how to gain access to it, i'll have to look into it!

I recently went down to the local fishing tackle shop, I was buying boxed squid and i noticed they had Bonito Strips and massive Mullet Chunks, Will these help produce a shark? Just out of curiousity.

As for the line, with a shark, is it best using mono or braid? The other night when I was using mono, I noticed that whenever i'd pull the shark in and take it off and release him, my line would be stretched so I would have to re rig all over again with a stronger piece of line. I'm using a 12 foot Shimano Rod, only equiped with a Reel that I think can only hold 20lb line on it, I take that from reading it on the reel. I'm not to good with all this, but will this mean I should be investing in a new reel? Or am I alright to set bigger line on this reel?

Thanks heaps mate!

Hi mate,

if i were you i'd definitely invest in a new set up. The positive is that the reel you buy can be used for jews and big kings as well... It sounds like your more after smaller sharks (6' and under) so a 12 000 - 20 000 reel should be what you want. This will knock over the small sharks very well and have enough grunt to stop a biggen too. Braid would be ideal but for sharks isn't necessary. It would be a good idea though as you can get much more braid on a reel than mono! Large mullet slips and bonito strips can be good too. Especially when fresh. If you are approaching the bridge from the south/roseville side then take the first RIGHT a km or so after the bridge and turn around. Then after turning around if you come back down towards the bridge from the north the turn off is on the left.. Can't miss it.

Good luck!

Edited by mack attack 79
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Hey mate,

Shark fishing is a blast. I do most of mine off the northern beachs. Off thd beach I have found that Australian salmon is the number one bait. I have caught plenty of bronze whalers under 5 foot and been smoked three times. If me and my mate do a serious trip we keep all guts and bait from previous trips frozen for up to 2 months and maybe 2 blokes of fresh pillies When we go fishing for the sharks we get to the spot at dead low tide and dig shallow holes in the sand, maybe 10 and fill it all the left over stuff, pillies and pour some tuna oil in the hole and cover it up again. As the tide comes back in and the waves move all the sand the burley get washed out. It's good to know how far the water comes up at high tide so you can place the burly so it all doesn't go at once. Every time i do this I get a shark but it's a lot of preparation and skill hiding guts and left overs in the frezza.


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Sharking is great fun, can also be rather dangerous. Remember these fish have dangerous mouths, let alone the damage their skin can do to exposed skin too..

My two shark fishing outfits consist large overhead reels, my favourite being a penn senator 16/0 which is pretty oversized but has a special place with me (same reel quint used in jaws)

Firstly forget braid altogether. Yes you will get more line on the reel but the stretch mono has to offer is very forgiving both to terminal gear and angler if shore fishing. And most people screw up by trying to get their hands on the biggest hooks imaginable, this is a mistake a size 8/0 or 9/0 hook is enough to handle most sharks, besides that the fish that can straighten these you don't really wanna be messing with too much anyway... I run two rods one with a floating livebait and one with a butterflied mullet or some form of Tuna on the bottom, sometimes people over engineer their rigs making them way more complicated than they need to,

If you do a search through some of my old posts I've got a good one on here about shark fishing somewhere,

Tight lines brett

Edited by brettmann
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burleying hard for sharks where people swim, be it harbour or beach doesnt sit well with me. even if you do it at night.

if you wish to have a deady in the water while you fish thats cool.

the thing with sharking is you set out to attract a shark - you have no say in which one turns up.

i would take up the offers with more experienced shark anglers.

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asDogs, we are planning a land based shark session over the next few weeks near the gasworks bridge in Parramatta river.

Youre more than welcome to join us just send me a PM and Ill give you my mobile number.

I live very close to the spot so if we run out of supplies :beersmile: all is not lost!

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