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Went to Roseville today armed with a packet of gulp shrimp to see if I could get my first soft plastics hook up. Was fishing the sand flats and weed beds up and down for several hours seeing if I could tempt a flatty but no dice. Something was biting though as after a few casts the tails of my plastics were nipped off. Sun started to set and I was very bored with the plastics so headed over to the other side and managed a blackie at the boat ramp on prawn. Moved down near the kayak launch area and set up a rod while having another go with the plastics, had a decent hit on the plastic but no hook up then the other rod buckles. I grabbed it and whatever was on the other end was huge! I played the fish for about 30 seconds then began planning the landing of the fish and all of a sudden there's nothing there. After some unpleasant language I bring in my line and hooks still on so whatever it was managed to spit it.

Set up my rod again and ended up with a decent birds nest in my reel, so began trying to sort that out without bringing in my bait and what do you know something bites and I hand lined a decent fish in which turned out to be a legal bream about 27cm. Left it at that, at least I got dinner.

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yer nothing spits the hooks like a Jew. when chasing them I only use super sharp light gauge hooks like gamakatsu octopus. and make sure you set the hook well. if I'm using a big live bait and need a decent cast sometime ill rig a live bait hook at the top with an octopus aft the bottom. I have a feeling there is some jewies round atm ill be fishing the tide tomorrow morning.

keep at it.

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Well I'd say you did lose a Jew now... Headed out upstream to a favourite drop off and after 15 mins hooked something of real size on the zman 3" minnowz.. I was fishing for flatties so only had 6lb braid. Fought it for at least 20mins. It would take a run then I'd make a little ground and so on... Just before I got a glimpse of it it took a five over the edge of the rockbar. I figured that if I didn't stop it it would bust me off.. So.. Pushed my little 2~4kg rod too far and snap... Only having one rod on me I had to admit defeat and leave... Very frustrating about both rod and fish but there's always next time.. Might have a crack from the yak tomorrow afternoon!eseju8e4.jpg

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Jew for sure.

September-October have always been the best months to target

the really big fish at Roseville.

Biggest I've seen was 22kgs. Biggest I heard of was 28kgs

& I got one 16kgs on a plastic.

New moon tomorrow so hit the tide changes hard on Monday, Tuesday

Wednesday & Thursday for your best shot.

Daytime for plastics & night time for live baits & plastics around the light of the bridge.



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aww reading these comments have made me heaps pissed off! I thought it would be a massive bream or a salmon, but jew? that makes me bloody determined to get back out there. Just started working after a shoulder injury so a 10kg outfit will be in my possession soon eheheh.

Sucks on the rod snap, If whatever I hooked didn't spit the hook im sure I would have a rod in pieces as well.

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Ouch! That is nasty. I'm with the others though it had to have been a jew, your outfit would have pulled in a metre flatty, they give a bit but tire quickly and generally float up to you without much effort. If it was a good salmon it would have generally gone aerial but as everyone knows they put up a hell of a fight so it is possible but unlikely. I feel for ya, in my early days of fishing I had a similar incident. I knew nothing and was using a servo prawn on my rig which consisted of a jarvis walker 8ft combo (but it was all I had :/) with a 7000 reel with 20lb mono on it hehehehe, and I was looking for another one of these recently caught stonker bream. I thought I would try somewhere different and it just so happened to be around tom ugly.

Armed with said gear I was fishing away, not catching much when something just smashed my rod and ran. So I upped the drag to fight it but what I hadn't realised is after all the casting I had done, the tip of the rod had slid upward and wasn't fully down on the rod. Whatever this monster was just snapped my rod at the join but I still had the fish on. I did my best to keep going with it but without the leverage I had no hope. The line became tight and whatever it was (in retrospect it was definitely a jew) snapped off as the drag was done up a bit too much and it was not a steady drag on this thing so it bit in a bit too hard and bang... it was gone. I woundd my line in and threw my rod down in disgust and vowed never to buy another cheapie. I sat there for a while wondering what it was and figured since I am enjoying fishing so much it was time to do some serious learning. I bought a couple of much better units and never looked back.


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Hi to all, went out today in search of some flatties at sugar loaf bay in the Roseville area with the soft plastic,, this is the third attempt and today got nothing on them,, i only got lucky on my first trip out which i think was probably a fluke and caught 2 flatties on the gulps,, but since then havent caught anything!!!!im starting to think it was a fluke.....do i need to be more persistent or just give up????

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