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Favorite Sydney estuary


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Was wondering how you guys would rank Sydney's estuary's in a general sense.

It obviously depends on what you're targeting and where you normally fish but if you had to fish 1 river what would it be.

I'm from around the George's but my order would be.

1 Hawesbury

2 George's

3 Hacking

4 Sydney Harbour

What are your thoughts?


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Hawkesbury is a very hard place to fish. Once you figure it out it gets easier... My order would be..

1. Sydney Habour

2. Hawksbury

3. Georges

4. Port Hacking

I haven't fished georges or hacking a whole lot so can't judge too well....

Cheers, Tom

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I started my fishing days at Brighton Baths in Botany Bay and then progressed to the Georges River until pollution made a feed a risky business. Port Hacking has produced my best catches. But now the Georges has been cleaned up, it's a toss up between those two. Not had a lot of luck in the Harbour, and had some limited success in the Hawkesbury. Most of my fishing has been land based, so boaties would have a different perspective, I'd imagine. So for me it's:

1. Hacking

2. Georges

3. Hawkesbury

4. Harbour



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Everyone's going to be different as they fish each system differently for different fish but mine would be



3.sydney harbour

4. George's

I say hacking first as its clean water and you really do have to know how to fish it.

Hawkesbury there's not once we go without a Jew or a thumper bream/ flatties

George's I've pulled 90 % of my Jew out off here but really you must work out what time of the year to target them what baits what spots. I've put in a lot of hours to work out the system

Sydney harbour holds a lot of big kings and Jews BUT the water way get too busy and is too polluted.

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It's hard to be objective but based on my experience:

Never fished Georges so can't comment.

Harbour always seems to produce, especially since the nets have been gone. This is opinion is obviously because it is closest to where I live and therefore the place I fish more often than anywhere else.

Hate the Hawksbury apart from Cowan. It's seems to me that it has been loved to death. Nice place to "get away from it" though.

Hacking is a great spot during the week. Weekends are usually spent dodging leisure craft.


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1. Hacking

2. Sydney Harbour

3. Georges

4. Hawkesbury

1. I used to fish here alot as a kid but didn't figure it out until a few years ago and since then have landed pretty much every species you can get in the south east plus a few uncommon catches. Very clean water too.

2. Another great place to fish however most of the spots get too crowded and i only know a handful of spots that dont get crowded. Have caught kings, bonnies, salmon, big trevally and big surgeons, people queston the water quality of the harbour but it is 10 times cleaner now than it was a few years ago.

3. Don't fish here much anymore but used to catch nice whiting and flathead.

4. Have only fished here for 15 minutes and caught 2 flathead in 2 casts.

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Sydney Harbour #1 for its options (The harbour, North H, Middle H, the Heads... + Kings, Dory, Jews, Flatties, Snapper, Squid etc etc)..

Georges/Botany great for general bread and butter fishing all along its length..

Hacking for a picturesque mid-week picnic/fishing day (Bundeena, South West Arm, Swallow Rock), the girls love it...

And Hawkesbury for a holiday (I've done a few over the years, houseboats and Halvorsens, all good)!!

Fortunately I'm not restricted to just one, very often the problem is to decide which one to fish today...!!

I feel very lucky to live in a city which allows me to be on any of these waterways in under an hour.

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