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Botany Bay Finally a Feed


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Headed out early with a mate to the bay hoping for some fun with salmon on the surface, non about though.

Head to a few of the man made reefs around la perouse to no avail couldn't even find any yakka's for live bait.

Frustrated head back drifted around the flats managed one trevally too small throw back, mate got the call from the wife had to head home so i dropped him off.

Went back fished around capt cook bridge got one take home trevally and 2 flatties 55cm. The trevally was on pillies the flathead was on plastic and a 3 foot kids rod i use for catching yakkas and squiding made for a fun fight.

Been fishing every weekend all winter not managing much except the odd small jewie really hang for the water to warm up.

After bragging to my mate with photos, damn motor decided to over heat smoke pouring out on the way back to ramp, :ranting2: , now i need to find a spare $600 bucks to have it serviced :mad3: in time for the warmer weather.

Note to Self use plastics instead of bait, have motor serviced when due. Could have been worse could have been stuck out at the head when the motor carked it.

At least i went home with a feed.

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