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Northern Beaches / broken bay - bugger all..


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Started out off avalon this morning. Just a few reefies and the odd XL yellowtail. hardly any surface action, and when there was they spooked just as quickly as they appeared. headed out a bit wider and got nothing. Saw the odd whale though which was pretty cool. This has been maybe the 10th trip for no fish (apart from the odd flathead) and it looks like a lot of people are having similar problems. What is going on?! where are the fish?! It seems as though the fishing has got a lot worse over the past 2 years in the area. Anyone else noticed this? or am i just losing all my luck and talent?

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Twinfishers reply is spot on matey. I have been going out a bit outside Botany Bay for exactly the same result big fat 0. Water temp is way to cold and the fish are not as active as they will be when those warm currents start moving in. Plenty of Whales out there and thats about it! Tight lines!

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