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First flatheads of spring

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Hey Raiders,

The planets alinged today, couple of days left of a week off, youngest off to school early (thank you band practice) and wife didn't need the car for work, so put the kayak on top and headed down to Kogarah Bay. Put in at Bonney St Wharf (nice small strip of sand there for easy access) and headed towards the Taren Point Bridge.

The sou easter was up early so it was a bit of work. Trolled a SX40 lure and picked up a chopper tailor - good fun to catch but it went back in. Stopped paddling near the St George Motor Boat Club and let the wind push me back across the bay. Because of the breeze tied on a blade and hammered it for an hour without any luck so decided to change to the soft plastics - an Ecogear bug ant on a 3/8 jig head (as heavy as I go). Wouldn't you know it - first cast and 'thunk', pulled in a flathead. 38cm so it wasn't a croc, but a start. Then two casts later and smackerooni!, some nice weight on the end of the line and pulled in one that went 53cm. Stayed out for another hour and got another one just on legal (put it back as already had dinner) and a smaller one of 32cm. Picked up another chopper on the troll on the way back to the wharf. Good day out (but I'm sure the shoulders will feel it tomorrow).

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