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Gunnamatta Bay Wednesday Arvo


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Hi Raiders,

Very long time no post!! I'm ashamed to say, this was my first fishing session since June! I have a business which is in its second year, and things have been very busy and stressful. On a whim, I took some time off on Wednesday with the missus and decided to go for a fish. We originally wanted to go to Kurnell, but upon arrival found that it was a bit too windy for our liking, so we went over to Gunamatta bay where it was sheltered. Oh how beautiful it was there, no wind, warm sun and clean water. I put a squid head on my 12ft rod and sent it out and left it there, and we sent out a couple of prawns on our smaller rods. Talk about dead. Not one bite for 4 hrs -not even a nibble. Tried live nippers, pilchards, squid and prawn, nothing. And we didnt care. I had been so caught up in expanding the business, that I forgot how soothing it was just to soak a bait and relax. The tide went out, and dusk arrived.

All of a sudden the 12ft rod started screaming. I grabbed it and pulled back. Whatever was on the end was huge - and strong. It run for around 100m before I could stop it, even then it didnt feel like I could pull its head around. I wound in a few feet, then it was off again taking line. I managed to get back 50m or so in the next ten minutes then it was give and take back and forth for another 5 minutes. By this time I was exhausted, sweat pouring off me and my shoulders were aching. Then i started to gain more line, the fish was still pointed the other way and struggling, but no runs. Then I did what every fisherman knows NOT to do. I tightened the drag up didnt I. Idiot. Just couldn't help myself. 3 more pump and winds, then PING! Line gone at the swivel. Now I will never know what it was, but believe me, I wont be doing that again - lesson learnt!

It was so good to get out there again, I'm going again this arvo. Maybe my mystery fish will pay me another visit!

Take care


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Jew or Shark for sure... I Occassionally hook juvenile bull sharks when using whole squid. Something to keep in mind (especially with kings), the harder you go on them, the harder they go on you.

Bad luck about losing it though..

You'll get him next time! :thumbup:

Cheers, Tom

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Jew or Shark for sure... I Occassionally hook juvenile bull sharks when using whole squid. Something to keep in mind (especially with kings), the harder you go on them, the harder they go on you.

Bad luck about losing it though..

You'll get him next time! :thumbup:

Cheers, Tom

Agree to all this

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Agree to all this

Sounds like ray to me. I once caught a big eagle and nearly spooled me on 30 pound line with about 6 kg drag....but I managed to get it up on the sand. took a lot of trouble putting it back into the wave after taking a picture.


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Sounds like ray to me. I once caught a big eagle and nearly spooled me on 30 pound line with about 6 kg drag....but I managed to get it up on the sand. took a lot of trouble putting it back into the wave after taking a picture.


Yeah forgot! Ray would be the obvious culpret... Been spooled on light gear by them so a big one could certainly be the "mystery fish".

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