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Boat lengths


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I have a lot of fishing guide books and they say 3 to 4 boat lengths out from the edge.

Now my boat is 5.2m and a small tinnie could only be 3m. This could mean that you miss the spot !!!

What is everyone idea of how to guess the distance out from the edge.

I just guess a rough distance and try, if no good move in or out till I succeed.

It has always puzzled me.

thanks norm

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Fred, at a guess I would say they are looking to find the dropoff out from shore, sometimes its only a metre and other times 10m from the shoreline. Best bet is to invest in a sounder of somesort so you can find it yourself. The dropoffs are normally where the larger fish are lying in wait for smaller bait etc to be washed over the edge.

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This reminds me of a recipe I was once given by a wonderful dear old lady, long departed: "Firstly fill your largest saucepan with" the main ingredient and the following specific measurements. At the time my largest saucepan could boil a maximum of 6 eggs and her largets saucepan could hold 6 full sized muddies. So yes, I guess, size does matter....and it is relative :wacko:

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