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Cheekii goes jew hunting :)

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I have been wanting to get on the jew fish hunt for a while now after reading everyones post on here.

So pa took me on an all night trip up to broken bay and jude point and all the littls bays around there.

We got there at 9pm last night and trolled for tailer for live bait rigs. No luck. Lucky we had squid bait with us.

It was about 1 am by the tine we anchored at at jude point and set up our 2 rigs we had for the jew fish.

The weather was raining it was miserable and by 3 am there we had caught 3 eels and nothing else. So we them moved to bar point. Again set all our rigs up and sat there waiting for the bite. 430 hits still nothing.

By this point nature called so we decided to stop a mooney mooney for me :) to much detail my bad then we headed to just under mooney mooney bridge. Anchored up sat there and waited. Around 6 am activity got a little exciting and our rod tips were moving to the bites of who knows but they were big hits. But again could not land one!

Then final pa nailed one. Undersized but i was excited it was finally a jew first thing but eel and a catfish. Photo ypy2y5uv.jpg

All rugged up and warm it gets cold on a boat of a night and i had to have a picture with a jew.

After this the tide was turn us in all directions so we moved to a point i cannot remenber come on 730 in morning no sleep half listened lol.

Jew rigs were gone given up for this time and out come the soft plastics. I swear i know own almost all the soft plastics colours you can get but i can never miss a beat with my curry chicken crazy leg. Cruising a drift i picked up my first jew fish 43cm undersized but i dont care. I nailed it on a soft plastic no bait and i am stoke yze3atym.jpg

Even picked myself up another but no photo taken. It would have only been the 30cm mark.

All in all i have the jew bug and i will be chasing bigger and better next time :)

We like the ettalong and haweskbury rivrr for boat fishing and had a great session 2 weeks ago. As well up there photos below


Thought it had not been a while since i did a post on my fishing adventures and i would share this wih you.

Edited by cheekiifisher
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Nice work :thumbup: Undersize are still great fun... My first was 30cm and still gave me a buzz! You know what they say, "once you get one jewfish, you'll get more". Are you sure the spot you referred to as "jude pt" wasn't "juno point"? Well done on a great session :biggrin2:

Cheers, Tom

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