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another big flatty


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been chasing alot of flathead around manly with my new flatmate teaching him to use soft plastics. heaps of fish between 40-60cm in the last week but ive dropped some much bigger fish so today i headed down for a solo mission in hunt of a big one. armed with my trusty 2500 sustain and 10lb braid/leader with some 20lb leader as back up.

some solid surface action with big tailor and salmon chasing small bait fish as well as some tiny tailor boiling up in the deeper water. started with a tiny white flick bait which alwasys works well fished under surface action for flatties (guess they are feeding on the scraps dropped by the surface fish).

first hour was slow then got a 45cm flatty not what i was after but good for dinner. decided a bigger lure might avoid picking up the smaller fish so i put on my new sebile magic swimmer first cast along the edge of the drop off and some surface action took my attention away from what i was doing next thing i know i feel weight on my rod quickly switch back on and strike and find abit of weight and another 45ish cm flatty comes with both sets of trebles stuck in its head i must have dropped it right on top of him. another half hour for nothing so i went back to old faithful 4inch gulp jigging grub in pink/white on a half ounce jig head. after 10 minutes it gets smashed on the drop and a 40cm tailor comes in funnily enough not hooked just didnt want to let go of the plastic lol.

few most casts and pop there goes my leader knot (i love how easy the albrite knot is to tie but it always pops during a long lure session) quickly running out of light but i thought hell few more casts, trying something completely different. 1/4 ounce jig head and a 5inch jerk shad in satay chicken. first cast as soon as it hits the bottom and bang im on solid weight and good head shakes, so i backed of the drag only with 10lb leader. slowly worked it in and then in the last glimps of light i see it and its a good fish. backed the drag off again and realised %$@# no net. standing ankle deep on oyster covered rocks, i managed to swim her up onto the rocks a few times but she quickly took off for the deeper water again (i only running about 1kg of drag at this point to avoid being bitten off or cut off on the oysters) im starting to really worry about how im going to land this fish. look left no chance so i start to leader her off to the right where i know theres a gap in the rocks leading up to some sand, but the gap is only about 40cm wide and both sides are cover in oysters. i get her to the entrance and realise the small patch of sand is still under water from the high tide, slowly i manage to walk her up the gap with a few scary moments next i had to walk her under an over hanging rock past another large rock and finally im at the sand, she took one last dash down another oyster covered channel but i some how managed to turn her around and perfect timing some boat wake washes her onto the beach.l finally my heart stops racing as i see another good flatty beaten on the sand. i dout ive ever worked that hard to land any fish before lol.

quick measure and she came in at 82cm, just 1cm short of by pb (which ive caught 2 at). a few quick photos and i put her back to swim away. by this point it was pitch black and i had no head tourch but happy with my session i packed up my gear and 2 of the smaller flatties i kept for dinner and headed home.

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