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Sinker to rod ratio


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They are usually written on the rod with the line weight and length, if not try look online for you exact rod model and see if you can find it there?

Best I could find was the line rating, which again I couldn't find on the rod, the rod was given to me and is a bit worn, maybe it got scratched off, I might call wilson later.

Fishing phase.

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Just got off the phone to Wilson, couldn't get a difinitive answer. Oh well, I'll just have to feel it out, and see how it goes.


I believe it's something like 1oz of weight for every 5lb of line rating..might be wrong but it's pretty close I think?


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Best way to find out the best weight is put some sinkers on and have a cast, start light and increase by 5-10 grams at a time until you can get your best cast that will make it easier for the future, one of my beach rods didn't have it on it either and I worked out I wasnt loading it up enough for a proper cast put more weight on and can get a really good cast on so it'll be a bit of trial and error

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