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Trailerboat marlin


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had plans to hit Sydney harbour yesterday, howeverr got a late call from a mate Fri evening.

Plan was to hit botany wide for some 'baby marlin' that is around at the moment, didnt have to ask me twice.

We said the spread and trolled out for about 2 hours, hoping to be at spot X for the high tide.

I love when a plan comes together.

Bang on high tide the temps were looking very good and the 'Big' reel screams off.

I think everyone knows the feeling after trolling for so long when it does finally happen there is a pause in shock.

We looked at each other and than to the back of the boat to see..........MARLIN ON!

Breached the water and was easy 2m+ estimating 100kg ish, im no expert.

He pulled 300m of 24kg out of the 50W in around 45 seconds.

Thank God he took the 50W!

I reeled in the other 'small' rods and quickly got us heading toward him to gain some line back, so far so good.

We both took turns as the cheap gimbal offered no back support and we were hurting.

15 minutes each and we were toasted, this was a big big fish for guys chasing flatties and kings any other weekend.

After the first hour we got back to the wind on, ''only'' 100M to go...

This is where we struggled and i look for advice from anyone who knows the drill as we did not.

The fish went deep and we COULD NOT budge him, we are young fit guys and we were barely getting an inch or two back at a time.

This continued for anoth 45 minutes until.......the hook pulled....D E V E S T A T E D.

We both went silent and that was that, almost two hours and we were smashed.


Southerly was ripping up and we had to mack it hom quick.

We spent the rest of the trip home thinking what should we have done? What could have been?

We both aggree that marlin fishing is more to do with the skipper than the fisherman.

Is this accurate?

Should we have 'planed' him to the surface and played him that way?

He was definitley spent after that first hour but I think because the fight was vertical we could not budge him.

24kg line + 18kg drag + 100kg fish = how the f**k do you land a fish like this?

Anyway was great to have the experience and we will be back next week and the week after. (with new hooks)

Keep in mind this is two guys in a 6m tinny who normally chase flatties and kings.

I know people pay thousands for this kind of stuff.

Sorry no pics of the fish, only action' shots of us ín pain and high fiving one another.

Please, please if anyone can offer advice on how to land these magnificant fish it would be greatly appreciated.

Trailerboat marlin WOO HOO!

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I know nothing about this style of fishing but damn I'd be nervous having a 100kg marlin at the end of my line, in open seas, in a tinny haha. Top stuff. They are a prized catch. From what I've seen the guy who is reeling does just that, reeling. There is aways a chap high up in one of those seats with binoculars shouting shit out. Prior to catching it, I think you gotta get the fish excited, bring him to the top and keep him up with berly trails. A friend of mine from high school went out with his brother, this was years back, they caught 400kg marlin. Took the best part of 2hrs to get in after using about 4kg of pilchards. They also used hookless lures trailling from the boat to entice the fish.

Funny, when you look at the math of it, 24kg line with 18kg drag and a 100kg fish which when it swims at full force will apply significantly more than 6kg of pressure onto the line + the 18kg drag. I'm surprised the line didn't bust. Also 18kg drag, is that sufficient to get the fish tired? Maybe heavier line(24kg is what, 50lb?), go with 80 or even 100 pound line and try get more drag pressure on. Think about it, if you hooked a 200kg marlin, would that fight have been over straight away? Also consider that your 100kg label is only an estimate, he may have been a 150, 200, 250kg fish you never know.

Look at when you target your "normal" fish. Ive caught a 75cm kingfish before which weighed in at a few kg. My drag was applied at about 6kg and the fish was stripping the line.... 100kg fish with 18kg drag... again I think heavier line, more drag and the fish will be exhausted quicker and reluctant to go down. Then you attract a near by shark after fighting so long which takes a stab at the fish.

When you said it pulled the hooks, did they bend open? What hooks did you use? Was it lure or trolling a live bait behind?

There might also be something in the gear ratio in the reel. Maybe when the fish dives you use a lower ratio to slowly inch back any line you can.

Edited by SargeRX8
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You played a magnificent fish and both WON :clapping: When a marlin goes deep like that you need to drive away from the fish and get some angle on him or her to plane them up as when they are under the boat like that you have next to no chance of getting them up in the current and you must repeat this as many times as you need to to get the job done.

Regards Stewy

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Mate bad luck but that's fishing.18kg of drag on 24 mono is to much should of been 8kg 1/3 of line class . When the fish stays down deep and you can't budge him drive away use your boat just like the big game boats but drive forward about 100m. Always keep your boat in and out of gear when fighting the fish and be patient .we have caught plenty of 100kg + marlin on 15kg and 24kg line - mono , from a trailer boat.

When I said we its a team effort chasing marlin driver and angler. It's ashame it wasn't,t a small black 30kg for your first a lot easier.

Good luck next time


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Cheers for the tips all.

I was only quoting 18kg drag as this is the max for the reel. We fought on strike drag which i think is 8ish? After the first hour we clicked it up to get some line back but couldnt hang onto the rod and clicked it back down.

As for the hooks pulling, upon closer inspection there was very little barb left otherwise all good. Looking at the other lures of same vintage they were starting to corrode. Lesson learnt.

We had plans to 'plane' him up but hooks pulled before we got the chance.

Was surprised to see just how much line was left out, easy 90m.

Maybe you can swap the live bait tank for a game chair for next time johnny??

Man that southerly was fierce.

Anyone else on here out sat?

We passed a massive rig that was fighting a beauty.

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Cheers for the tips all.

I was only quoting 18kg drag as this is the max for the reel. We fought on strike drag which i think is 8ish? After the first hour we clicked it up to get some line back but couldnt hang onto the rod and clicked it back down.

As for the hooks pulling, upon closer inspection there was very little barb left otherwise all good. Looking at the other lures of same vintage they were starting to corrode. Lesson learnt.

We had plans to 'plane' him up but hooks pulled before we got the chance.

Was surprised to see just how much line was left out, easy 90m.

Maybe you can swap the live bait tank for a game chair for next time johnny??

Man that southerly was fierce.

Anyone else on here out sat?

We passed a massive rig that was fighting a beauty.

when you coming for a fish with me and Mr Gatta for a session down at windang to chase flattys.


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Good to see your hooks stuck trolling , you will lose far more than you get to the boat but that's what gets us fishing , 8 kg of drag on strike , sharp hooks , and drive away if the fish is deep , get some angle and in front of it. Trolling can be boring one minute action the next .

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