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Careel Bay on kayak


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Went out early in perfect conditions on Friday for last 2 hours of incoming tide in Careel Bay on the yak.

Started off flicking 80mm wrigglers around the mangroves, but no success other than a bump from what I'm thinking was a pike.

Having caught a stack of these in the last few outings, I'm getting to know what their MO and bite is like, so I'm happy to have had him spit the hook.

Moved further into the mangroves for nothing but snags, both in and out the water, god I hope no-one was watching me catch my limit of branch-fish, in record time... all legal length of course.

Finally started getting into some fish after switching to hardbodies, firstly a cheapie that I can't remember the brand of, but has Super Bream branding on the bib... replaced the trebles and split rings and it does the job.

Caught and released a bunch of flatties, best going ~55cm, but released all as I wasn't in a position to eat them fresh & the cat still has pike from previous outings.

I did however hook up to this luderick.. my first... approx. 35cm caught on an Ecogear SX40.

Fat as and full of beans, he was great fun and gave me a run on 4lb braid, 4lb leader.

Sent him back swimming too.



Had plenty of follows from bream too, both big and small, but they were just too spooky.

The water was like glass, and I could see them clear as day, so assume they could see me just as clearly.

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