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Fishing Woy Woy (need some advice)


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Going to fish Woy Woy with the family this Sunday haven't been there for aleast 10 years

Would like some advice on

-fishing spots

-do I follow the tides (fish an hour ever side) or just have a go anytime

-any other help for the area would appreciated

Thanks Raiders



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I fished the channel, shore side of the swing moorings, a few weekends ago and got some very nice bream and whiting using servo prawns. Time was an hour before low until two hours after. It was like a switch was turned off after that, not even a bite. This is typical in many of the Brisbane Water channels.

Tidal change at Woy Woy is approx 2 hrs after Sydney but varies a lot depending on size of the tide. If shore based walk along the shore from Brick Wharf Road to Lions Park boat ramps and cast out behind and around the boats moored along the shoreline (pile moorings). Water depth behind those boats is around 3m depending on tide.

Have fun.

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