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Flattie Classic - Another Off Year - Identification Needed


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Hey guys

Fished the Flathead classic today, not much luck again. I got some Poddy Mullet the day before and prepared for it but no decent Flatties to be seen.

Landed 5 around/over 40cm and dropped a few right at the boat which looked abit biggger. Spewing. Atleast it didn't rain this year.

No prizes but always next year.

Caught this Crab at the end of the day as well. What is it ? I have no idea haha


Edited by quintrex101
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Guest hawkesbass

Unlucky on the flatties better luck next time i remember your post from last year as for the crab I know them as sand crabs they are bye catch when fishing off the beach sometimes holding onto the bait untill out off the water

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Didnt realise the classic was on,now I know why there was so many people on the lake,Took some live worms out onto the beach & fished some nice gutters till an hour after high tide.

Plenty of fish all undersize. Went into the lake for the change of tide,still shoulder to shoulder,so walked towards the mouth,fluked a couple of poddies on the way.

Used the worms & mullet,while flicking plastics around till 8.00pm,again small whiting & flatties.

BUMMER, bought a burger and went home!


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